GitHub launches a separate training page

  Peter        2012-10-07 05:45:47       4,160        0         

Code hosting community Github has much proud data: 55 employees, Andreessen Horowitz promised a $100 million investment, $750 million valuation, a place developers stay longest since its launch in 2008 ... Github announced the official launch of a separate teaching page, to teach developers collaborative programming through various forms.

Github announces the detail about the training program on its official blog, the entire training project has two modes : free and paid. The content of their trainning is about basic Git and Github technologies. The separate training page provides web-based courses and face-to-face courses and activities. These courses are divided into basic, advanced and special courses and activities, while providing a large number of training resources (video, PPT, books, code ). The training plan for 2012 has been made, almost all courses need to register. Here is a screenshot of instructional videos:

For all advanced courses, the topics to be discussed and targets to be achieved are listed on the course page, so that students can take a reference when choosing course in order to avoid blind selection. As an open source code hosting community, its entire training project will also follow the spirit of open source. This Github opens another page (, all the teaching content are put here for everyone to use.

For those interested in Github, it is indeed a very good learning platform, its completel open source policy also allows beginners to learn collaborative programming step by step. At the same time, the project is also likely to become Github's next new growth engine. Github has 2.1 million registered users, hosts 3.5 million code libraries. Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Mozilla all have their open source code hosted on GitHub.

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