Top 15+ Best Practices for Writing Super Readable Code

Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers’ favorite posts from throughout the history of Nettuts+.Code readability is a universal subject in the world of computer programming. It’s one of the first things we learn as developers. This article will detail the fifteen most important best practices when writing readable code.1 - Commenting & DocumentationIDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) have come a long way in the past few years. This made commenting your ...

   Readable,Source Code,Refactor,Comment.OO     2011-04-11 02:20:08

  Open Source (Almost) Everything

When Chris and I first started working on GitHub in late 2007, we split the work into two parts. Chris worked on the Rails app and I worked on Grit, the first ever Git bindings for Ruby. After six months of development, Grit had become complete enough to power GitHub during our public launch of the site and we were faced with an interesting question:Should we open source Grit or keep it proprietary?Keeping it private would provide a higher hurdle for competing Ruby-based Git hosting sites, givin...

   Open source,Benefits,Popularity,Advertisement,Advantage     2011-11-23 07:58:15

  Access control in Java -- doPrivileged

Previously we have introduced how Java performs permission check to protect resource access. What if sometimes we need to give some class the temporary access to some resource which it initially doesn't have? AccessController provides six doPrivileged methods to fulfill this requirement. These six methods have below signatures : static T doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction action)static T doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction action, AccessControlContext context)static T doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionA...

   JAVA,SECURITY,DOPRIVILEGED     2016-03-08 05:46:42

  Different types of keystore in Java -- PKCS11

PKCS11 keystore is designed for hardware storage modules(HSM). It's an interface to talk to the HSMs. It doesn't actually store any keys but provide a set of classes to communicate with the underlying HSM. The actual keys and certificates are stored on the HSMs. The reason for storing the keys and materials is to ensure security and efficiency. Since the keys are on the HSMs, they are safe to be stolen. All encryption/decryption operations are performed on the HSMs as well, this incre...

   PKCS11,keystore,HSM,Java     2015-01-08 00:39:12

  Tips for Putting a Price on Your Work

WHEN I first started as a freelance writer, I was eager to sell myself — but not eager to have to discuss money. So I more or less took whatever was offered. Then I read somewhere that no matter what price a new client states, you always say in a polite but firm tone, “I expected more.” The first time I tried it, I was sweating and I doubt my tone was firm — it probably sounded more like pleading — but to my great surprise, it worked. With th...

   Development,Price,Worl,Negotiation     2012-01-29 04:37:17

  â€œExperience says it all”- Pentaho ETL Developers’ Comment on the Use of ETL Tools

Since months Pentaho ETL developers have been juggling with three distinct tools- Pentaho DI, SSIS, and PowerShell. Their experience has provided them new perspective on the cons and pros of every tool. In this post, they are sharing their experience with these tools and explain their significance. Before getting started, they first would like to explain ETL in brief and how the tools suits ETL landscape. ETL is Extract Transform Load. Informatica was the initial ETL tool introduced in the mid n...

   Pentaho BI ETL tools     2015-05-13 01:14:57

  Tips to Keep in Mind When Adding Devices to WiFi

When it comes to powerful tools, it is hard to beat the Internet. We can use it to access a huge variety of news, information, entertainment, products and more. When the Internet first became a thing, people pretty much had to be sitting at their computers to use it. But now, thanks to the advent of a wireless network known as WiFi, you can connect to the Internet through your smartphones, streaming devices, laptops and more from anywhere in the house. If you are in the market for some new tech...

   ROUTER,TIPS,WIFI     2021-10-01 08:19:19

  Touching and Gesturing on iPhone, Android, and More

One of the most important parts of creating an effective and intuitive user interface on touch-enabled smartphones has nothing to do with visual appearance—instead, it has to do with creating an interface that properly responds to user input based on touch. For Web applications, this means replacing mouse events with touch events. In Dojo 1.7, new touch APIs help make this process easy. This is an updated version of the post Touching and Gesturing on the iPhone, published in 2008. I...

   Touch,Gesture,iPhone,Android     2012-04-12 11:21:42

  CSS3 animated dropdown menu

It’s a sure thing that CSS3 features like transitions, animations and transforms can add extra spice to your designs.In this article you will see how you can build an awesome CSS3 animated dropdown menu with some of these cool features.View demoHere’s a quick preview for the CSS3 animated dropdown menu that we’re going to create today:Remember the previous CSS3 dropdown menu? That menu is awesome, and thanks to you is the most popular tutorial around here (at this time)...

   CSS3,Drop down menu,Animation,Animated menu     2011-11-15 12:47:05

  How small should a function be?

"The well-designed functions are often relatively small, large function design is often a mess or there is a lot of room for optimization."Maybe you think there is no need to discuss the size of functions, because the nature of the function design is cohesive, its size is only its manifestations. But it is necessary to discuss about the size of function because the statement above .First let's understand the concept of minimum code processing unit : a basic operation (assignment, comparison, etc...

   Function size,Optimization     2012-12-18 13:58:07