Cybertruck's 48V Power: Revolutionizing Automotive Standards

Tesla's Cybertruck commenced its deliveries in the United States this month, marking a significant milestone for the innovative pickup. Distinguished by its unique design, the Cybertruck features a cargo bed panel that opens to facilitate easy loading of goods. This groundbreaking vehicle has achieved numerous world-first distinctions: The world's inaugural stainless steel car, boasting a body reportedly resistant to bullets. Its angular shape adds an extra layer of safety, causing severe col...

   FORD,48V,CYBERTRUCK,TESLA     2023-12-24 17:06:59

  10 habits of 10x developers

Last week, I discovered The Rise of Developeronomics via Brad Feld. As long as I’ve lived, it has always been a great time to be a software developer. The economics keep getting better for us. My favorite quote: The one absolutely solid place to store your capital today — if you know how to do it –  is in software developers’ wallets. If the world survives looming financial apocalypse dangers at all, this is the one investment that will weather the storms. ...

   Developer,Efficiency,Advice,Rest,Focus     2011-12-26 02:54:06

  The several flavors of random in Java

Random number generation is one of most basic features in any programming language. The basic utilization is always the same: generate a random number between 0 and 1. With such a simple resource at hand we sometimes overlook some interesting features. What do we learn from the books? The most obvious and maybe intuitive way to generate random numbers in Java is simply calling: java.lang.Math.random() Random generation is in the Math utility class with abs, pow, floor...

   Java,Random,Thread,Math,Type     2012-03-22 14:17:44

  Enterprise Mobility Solution From A DreamFactory of Software to Accelerate Customer Experience

Today the conventional model that suppliers follow i.e. the make, sell and ship process is no longer enough to keep your customers happy and satisfied. The landscapes have evolved such that, manufacturers not only have to continue making the best quality products but also be in complete sync with the new age  customer requirements, encourage customer involvement and henceforth achieve the best products. This can be achieved by using the emerging mobile technology to deliver improved custom...

   enterprise mobility, enterprise management, enterprise mobility management     2014-12-10 00:36:56

  How Can Your Data Be Stolen Online?

In 2019, according to Statista, nearly 165 million sensitive records were exposed in the US due to data breaches. Unfortunately, data theft is not going anywhere. Hackers are using increasingly sophisticated methods to steal information, but thankfully there are measures you can take to ensure your data stays safe. Here are some of the most common ways people get their data stolen online and how you can take precautions against the methods cybercriminals use. Human Error Hacking is one of the m...

   DATA SECURITY,PROTECTION KID     2021-01-27 19:46:05

  10 modern technologies we will still use in 2030

Although there is rapid revolution for new technology, some technologies can survive with the passage of time. Here are 10 modern technologies which may continue to exist in 2030. 1. QWERTY keyboard Speech recognition, handwriting recognition and gesture control input will become the trend for the next two decades. Nonetheless QWERTY keyboard input is still one of the most accurate way - although not necessarily the most convenient. Although physical keyboard disappear on phones and tablet PCs, ...

   New technology,Trend     2012-11-12 11:02:02

  Does mobile application need architecture design?

Looking back to the history of PC software development a dozen years ago there was no  software architecture design, the consequence of this was that there would be a high cost on software maintainability and scalability. Later, people recognized the importance of software architecture and started to make the concept of software architecture mature. Now almost all software will have architecture design which has been the consensus of the software development companies and developers.Simi...

   Software design,Architecture design,Mobile app     2012-04-12 11:14:37

  Testing like the TSA

When developers first discover the wonders of test-driven development, it’s like gaining entrance to a new and better world with less stress and insecurity. It truly is a wonderful experience well worth celebrating. But internalizing the benefits of testing is only the first step to enlightenment. Knowing what not to test is the harder part of the lesson. While as a beginner you shouldn’t worry much about what not to test on day one, you better start picking it up by day t...

   Testing,QA,TSA     2012-04-11 13:41:19

  12 Eye-Popping Presentation Ideas That Will Keep Everyone Awake

Photo credit: Freepik Engaging an audience during a presentation is a challenge every speaker faces. The key to a successful presentation is not just delivering information but doing it in a way that captivates and keeps the audience interested throughout. Here are 12 creative and eye-popping ideas that will ensure your audience stays awake, attentive, and inspired. Start With a Shock Begin your presentation with a surprising fact, shocking image, or a provocative question. This creates immedia...

   PRESENTATION SKILL     2024-06-19 07:09:23

  Introducing LocalDB, an improved SQL Express

Updated 2011-11-28: Added reference to the walkthrough of using LocalDB in Visual Studio 2010 and to the new LocalDB Installer. Updated 2011-11-02: Added reference to .NET Framework 4 support for LocalDB in the Q&A section. Introduction It gives me great pleasure to introduce a new version of SQL Express called SQL Express LocalDB. LocalDB is created specifically for developers. It is very easy to install and requires no management, yet it offers the same T-SQL language, programming surfac...

   LocalDB,Microsoft,SQL Express     2012-03-31 00:13:43