SEARCH KEYWORD -- Good programmer

  Why do I need a debugger?

  When I begin to learn a new programming language, I will try and master the debugger for it as early as possible. For example, in 2013, while I touched the Go, there seems only gdb for use. Although gdb itself is not a good choice (From Debugging Go Code with GDB): As a consequence, although GDB can be useful in some situations, it is not a reliable debugger for Go programs, particularly heavily concurrent ones. But at that time there was no other choice. So after delve&nb...

       2017-07-21 22:53:16

  Supervisord, God and Monit, which one to choose?

With the popularity of Docker, more and more service have been moved into docker containers and they are easy to build up and maintain for each atomic service(though it's a bit complex to maintain multiple docker containers which contain different service to form a complete solution). Ideally, each docker container should only contain one service which has only one running process. However, in reality there would be cases multiple processes would run in one single docker container and there is a...

   DEVOPS,MONIT,SUPERVISORD,GOD,DOCKER     2017-11-25 12:28:11

  How to ask questions as an interviewee

Many people think that interview is a single side selection, in fact, interview is a two sides selection process. Not only the company selects you, but also you select the company. Interview provides a chance for both the company and you to know about each other. While the company is assessing you, you should also assess the company. The interviewers also know this, so they have the mental preparation and look forward to your questions and they are prepared to answer your questions. So do not w...

   Interview,Question,Interviewee     2012-09-02 08:24:51

  Have Apple considered to develop iPad for aerospace use?

Today, I read article about China's Shenzhou 9 Spacecraft which is expected to be launched in middle of June. In this article, it mentions that the Chinese astronauts may bring some mobile devices with them in order for them to relax in such a long journey to outer space. The most probable devices they may bring are some tablets because laptops are too heavy to be placed in spacecraft which has limit space and weight capacity., while smartphones are too small and not so convenient for astronauts...

   Apple,iPad,Aerospace,Shenzhou 9     2012-06-14 05:41:20

  Language Complexity?

Some languages are complex, others are simple … right?  C++ versus just about anything else is a good example here.  But, it begs the question: what makes a language complex? So, I’ve just been reading Bruce Eckel’s Artima article on Scala.  It’s actually a nice article, and I enjoyed it.  But, one thing bugged me — and, it’s nicely summarised in this quote: But you can see from the code above that learning Scala should be a lot eas...

   Programming language,complexity     2011-06-15 02:16:05

  PHP's Output Buffering

While profiling our application I came across a a rather strange memory usage by the ob_start() function. We do use ob_start() quite a bit to defer output of data, which is a common thing in many applications. What was unusual is that 16 calls to ob_start() up chewing through almost 700kb of memory, given that the data being buffered rarely exceeds 1-2kb, this was quite unusual. I started looking at the C code of the ob_start() function and found this interesting bit of code inside php_sta...

   PHP,Memory,ob_start(),source,40kB     2011-12-08 10:20:32

  Diving Deeper into HTML5 Offline Browsing

Recently, I published an article on one of the new features in HTML 5 called Offline Browsing  in HTML5 with ApplicationCache.The response to that article was good, and I was asked to expand on some further points including:how to decide on what files to cachethe implications of caching those filesdebugging the ApplicationCacheSo, that’s where this article will start: where the last one finished.  If you haven’t, you should probably read the previous article before this o...

   HTML5,Offline browsing,New breakthrough,Feature     2011-12-20 08:46:06

  Hidden messages in logos

A logo is the simplest thing a user can remember about a product or a company. A good logo design will leave deep impression to customers. Each logo tries to convey either their product information or company vision to customers, this information may be easily understood with a glance or it contains some hidden messages which need us to figure out. Today we share some logos which contain some hidden messages. 1. Fedex The arrow between E and X means Fedex will deliver the product to the right p...

   Logo,Meaning     2013-10-01 07:52:05

  Opinion: Top 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started My Own Business

1. However much money you think you'll need to start a business, you should take that number and double it I thought I had strategically planned every penny when I first started, but I had no idea that there would be so many unanticipated costs. Since we have a home office, I use temporary commercial office space and conference solutions for meetings and demonstrations. We always like to buy lunch for our clients, and we like them to lunch well. By the time everything is factored in, depen...

   startup,own ownership,business,care     2011-08-22 12:10:18

  Upcoming Product from Nokia: Nokia 2

With the emergence of telephone, the field of communication has seen a revolution. It was the time when people were able to talk to each other on the phone directly, and the reliance on letters was just reduced. Later entered the cell phones where the users were able to communicate with a phone call or even with SMS. The cell phones made it easy for the users to talk to each other even if they are moving from one place to another. To add value to the cell phones then entered the smartphones to t...

   SMARTPHONE,NOKIA 2     2017-11-06 23:29:02