On being happy

For the whole past night I lay awake without sleeping a minute, mostly because I am still fully jet-lagged from the move to Europe yesterday. For some reason, the one thought that entered my mind was one about what it means to be happy. Yes, of course, being on an exciting startup journey, there are other goals which are more in the foreground. There is creating a product users love, getting funding or earning enough money to sustain yourself. Whilst I greatly enjoy this product and user fo...

   Happiness,Attitude,Steve Jobs     2011-12-26 08:59:08

  CSS3 animation vs CSS3 transition

Both CSS3 animation and CSS3 transition can be used to transition an element in a webpage. They can be used to transition some CSS properties within a given period of time. They have many similarities. They do have a few differences as well. So an user needs to understand the differences between them in order to better use them in different scenarios. First, let's see an example on how to change the width of a div from 100px to 200px within 2 seconds when hovering on it. With CSS3 animation , th...

   CSS3 animation,CSS3 transition, Difference     2015-06-15 08:46:39

  Why I Hate Android

Why do I hate Android? It’s definitely one of the questions I get asked most often these days. And most of those that don’t ask probably assume it’s because I’m an iPhone guy. People see negative take after negative take about the operating system and label me as “unreasonable” or “biased” or worse. I should probably explain. Believe it or not, I actually don’t hate Android. That is to say, I don’t hate the concept of Androi...

   Android,Hate,Feature     2012-01-10 07:19:27

  How Many C Programs Are There?

If I choose a size S, can you tell me how many valid C programs exist that are no larger than that size? I’m actually interested in the answer — it’ll help me make a point in a paper I’m writing. Shockingly, the Internet (or at least, the part of it that I looked at based on a few searches) does not provide a good answer. Let’s start with a few premises: Since it would be exceedingly difficult to construct the exact answer, we’re looking for a respe...

   C Progra,Number,Statistic,Calculation     2012-02-22 05:18:32

  How Kafka achieves high throughput low latency

Kafka is a message streaming system with high throughput and low latency. It is widely adopted in lots of big companies. A well configured Kafka cluster can achieve super high throughput with millions of concurrent writes. How Kafka can achieve this? This post will try to explain some technologies used by Kafka. Page cache + Disk sequential write Every time when Kafka receives a record, it will write it to disk file eventually. But if it writes to disk every time it receives a record, it would ...

   BIG DATA,KAFKA     2019-03-08 09:42:57

  The Web Is Wrong

The Analogies Are Wrong Originally, web pages were static documents, and web browsers were static document viewers; there was text, some formatting, and images—if you could pay for the bandwidth to serve them. Hyperlinks were the really big thing, because they were the main point of user interaction—but what a powerful thing they were, and still are. Then along came CGI and Java, and the web was transformed: all of a sudden, a web browser became a way to serve interactive co...

   Web,Feature,Static document,CSS,Text     2011-12-31 15:43:53

  Data as code

What is a good command line parser API? A good command line parser should consider below 5 aspects: Support convenient help information generation Support sub commands, for example, git has push,pull,commit sub commands. Support single character option, word option, flag option and option with parameter. Support default option, for example, if no -port is set, set it as 5037 Support usage model, for example, tar's -c and -x is mutually exclusive, they belong to different usage models. Here are...

   Command line,API     2013-08-08 22:40:36

  System programming is still there

System programming is the practice of writing system software. System software lives at a low level, interfacing directly with the kernel and core system libraries. Your shell and your text editor, your compiler and your debugger, your core utilities and system daemons are all system software. But so are the network server, the web server, and the database. These components are entirely system software, primarily if not exclusively interfacing with the kernel and the C library. But nowadays more...

   System programming     2014-02-27 05:46:48

  The Power of Efficiency: 10 Practical Energy-Saving Tips for Tech Startups

In today's fast-paced world, where technology reigns supreme, energy consumption is a significant concern for tech startups. Not only does excessive energy usage contribute to environmental degradation, but it also adds up to substantial operational costs. However, the good news is that there are plenty of practical steps that tech companies can take to reduce their energy footprint without compromising productivity or innovation. In this guide, we'll explore ten actionable tips that can help te...


  Why Lua

In this article, I would like to discuss why you should use Lua. This all started with a message that recently popped up on the Lua mailing list regarding why isn't Lua more widely used? The answers went from randomness to lack of libraries to a variety of other things, but the one that resonated with me most was that there are fewer people who enjoy the do it yourself approach, which Lua fully embraces. I've come to think of Lua as the Arch Linux of programming languages. Which, almost by d...

   Lua,Feature,C,Simple,Portable     2012-02-27 04:58:15