printf("goodbye, Dennis");

Dennis Ritchie, a father of modern computing, died on October 8th, aged 70EVERY time you tap an iSomething, you are touching a little piece of Steve Jobs. His singular vision shaped the products Apple has conjured up, especially over the last 14 years, after Jobs returned to the helm of the company he had founded. Jobs's death in October resembled the passing of a major religious figure. But all of his technological miracles, along with a billion others sold by Apple's competitors, would be mere...

   Memory,Dennis Ritchie,C,Father of C     2011-10-22 12:42:22

  Where Have You Installed Your Python Packages?

Preface I am writing this article because I recently noticed in the Python community that there are several frequently asked questions: Why does running the command after installing pip result in a "executable not found" error? Why does importing a module result in a "ModuleNotFound" error? Why can I run my code in PyCharm, but it doesn't work in the command prompt? Rather than just providing solutions, it is better to teach people how to fish. To address these types of issues, you need to und...


  What are the Four Most Important Technologies Inside an Office, Today?

The office life has changed a lot since the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays, technologies have taken over a large part of the work that people have to do, inside their walls. Some of them are more important than others, though. Here are four that no company should live without.  A VoIP Phone System If a company wants to communicate with its clients, it needs to install a centralized phone system. The old ones were complicated and costly. The more phone lines you had, the higher the ...

   SMARTPHONE,VOIP,5G     2022-12-24 06:35:02

  Is programmer really profession for youth only?

- dedicated to the new programmers just into the workplace.

One young Chinese friend asked me: is programmer meant only for less experienced youth? Should I consider transition once if I work on it until 30 years old?

   Programmer,Youth,Product,Project,Career,Analysis     2012-03-18 07:06:44

  Mozilla releases a web identity system : Persona

Now almost every website requires the user to register, there are many benefits of registration for a website, such as retaining users, accommodating discussions, providing customized content and so on.But there is too much trouble if each site requires registration, right?Of course, users can also have their own way, for those less important sites, for example, using a unified user name, password and email so that you only need to remember one account. Then, we also see some advanced methods em...

   Mozilla,Persona,Security,ID     2012-09-28 12:02:25

  The Value of the Designer Who Codes

"Well, it's a start, but basically it stinks," said Steve Jobs, telling early Apple engineer Chris Espinosa exactly how he felt about the company's first calculator application. Iteration after iteration, Jobs continued to be dissatisfied with the calculator. Espinosa continued to code, slowly inching his way to perfection. But nothing was quite right. In a flash of both brilliance and perhaps frustration, Espinosa put together a visual builder that let Jobs design the calculator himself...

   Designer,Coder,Value,Designer knows code     2012-01-03 10:49:39

  Google will not hold press release in China next week

There is an invitation form spreading around the Chinese internet community which states that Google will hold press release at 1 PM on December 18 (Beijing time). On this press release, Google will announce its return to China and Google China CEO Jony will explain its strategies in China after return. But soon Google China public relation representative said this was a rumor. There is no plan for Google to hold press release next week in China. And there are some apparent suspicious parts ape...

   GOOGLE,CHINA,NEWS,RUMOR     2015-12-13 07:05:39

  Connect to SQLite using Go on Windows

In software development, it's often necessary to test and validate logic using a lightweight and easily manageable database system. SQLite, with its minimal setup and zero configuration requirements, is an excellent choice for such scenarios. Leveraging the simplicity and efficiency of SQLite for testing purposes can significantly streamline the development process. In this guide, we'll explore how to seamlessly connect to SQLite using Go on Windows, empowering developers to efficiently test the...

   WINDOWS,TUTORIAL,GOLANG,SQLITE3     2024-02-11 20:58:12

  Understanding abstract interface in Java

Have you read about an interface declaration as public abstract interface InterfaceName in Java? At the first glance, is it a weird declaration? Why should we declare an interface as abstract? For example, we may see below code in some projects: public abstract interface MyInterface { public void check(); public abstract boolean check(boolean really); } Actually here abstract is redundant, an interface is implicitly abstract, we no need to put an abstract in front of interface. But it do...

   Java,abstract interface     2014-08-18 23:07:27

  Some geek mats to welcome guests

Geeks are mostly otaku, they like surfing the Internet, playing games. Perhaps not everyone is a programmer, but most of them have some understanding of programming. It is undoubtedly very necessary to have a specific pattern mat at the door as a glorious proud geek, what mat should you use? 1. Binary Floor/Door Mat There are 10 kinds of people in the world, one is understanding binary code, the other one who doesn't understand binary code. The above binary mat is the binary codes of " welcome"...

   Mat,Geek,Entertainment     2012-10-05 19:39:24