To learn C, we need to read many C books and have many practices. Here we summarize a list of C books which may help you learn C.
1. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist :C version
Although it contains only basic syntax, it is easy to understand. It is also free to download. This should be the first book to be read for learning C.
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2. C Primer Plus and C Programming : A Modern Approach
These two books are entry level C books, they both are thick. These two books contain duplicated contents. You can choose either one.
3. C Programming Language
This is the most popular C book. It is not written for beginners, it focus more on C programming techniques and algorithm design.
4. Beginning Linux Programming
5. Linux Programming by Example. The Fundamentals.
It is suitable for learning C in depth. Linux Programming by Example is a dense compendium of Linux software solutions--tools, algorithms, and procedures that solve data-processing challenges of the sort that crop up in all sorts of software projects.
The above books are mainly for entry level C programmers. After you have gained enough experience and practice, you can proceed to higher level C learning.
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