Skype wins its position in Windows 8.1

According to The Verge, Skype finally wins its position in Windows 8.1 after acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft will drop the existing communications applications on existing Windows and replace it with Skype. Skype and Windows 8.1 will be more closely associated and this is what Microsoft expects. On Windows 8.1, users can still use Skype for voice or video calls even it's in lock screen mode.In February, Microsoft announced that Windows Live Messenger users would be forced to upgrade to Skype, ...

   Skype,Windows 8.1,Build 2013     2013-06-27 23:49:13

  Alibaba pays all cash to acquire Youku Tudou

Alibaba announced that it had signed the agreement to acquire "China's YouTube" YouKu Tudou on November 6 Beijing Time. This deal will make Alibaba the leading entertainment and media company in China. The highlight of this deal is that Alibaba will pay all cash. When this acquisition is completed, shareholders from Youku Tudou can get cash with $27.60 per ADS. The board has approved this acquisition and they are asking the shareholders to vote to approve this deal. This deal is expected to be ...

   CHINA,ALIBABA,YOUKU,NEWS     2015-11-06 20:26:31

  Microsoft is to release Office for iPad and Android

Microsoft plans to release Office series software on iPad and Android based tablets this November. This application's loading screen shows "Office for iOS" on iPad, this may indicate that it may also be compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch. The Office series software will also be available on Android at the same time. Some details about this application are still unknown, such as price and features. Last November there was news showed that Microsoft was developing Office for iOS. Micr...

   Microsoft,iPad,Office,Android,iOS     2012-05-24 03:33:28

  UC browser won Readers' Choice Award

China's leading mobile Internet software technology and application service provider UC excellent, its flagship product, UC browser, following the 2011 recommended by the world's leading classified information site named the Readers' Choice Award in best mobile browser category, is once again awarded by as Reader's Choice Award in Best Android Browser category. UC browser comes out on top in the selection in two consecutive, a part of The New York T...

   UC,,Readers' Choice Aeard,2012     2012-04-03 08:08:03

  How to reset root password in MySQL 8

The user password in MySQL is stored in the user table, the password reset is actually to change the value of record in this table. To change the password in case the password is forgotten, the idea is to bypass the authentication of MySQL and get into the system and update the record password value with SQL command. In MySQL 5, one can start MySQL service with --skip-grant-tables option, this option will tell the service to skip loading the grant tables when starting, hence the root user can lo...

   MYSQL,PASSWORD,MYSQL 8     2018-12-24 21:27:13

  Vine video sharing drops significantly

According to Sina Tech, social media analytics site Topsy data shows that Vine's short video sharing has dropped significantly since Facebook's photo sharing service Instagram launched the video sharing feature.Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom announced on Thursday that Instagram supported short video sharing. Vine was once called the Instagram in video sharing world, but now, Instagram has launched its own 15-second short video sharing feature for its 130 million users.Vine, was acquired by T...

   Vine,Instagram,Twitter,topsy     2013-06-24 00:16:32

  PHP to integrate with Sign in with Google

Google has a huge user base and hence it provides an authentication service for third party service to integrate with them so that people can sign in with Google in their services. Google also adopts OAuth 2 to provide this kind of Open ID connect service. This post will introduce how to integrate with sign in with Google functionality in your PHP website.  Create a client app on Google The first step you should follow is to create a Google app, you can follow the post here to create the p...

   PHP,GOOGLE API,OPEN API,SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE     2019-03-03 02:00:09

  Noteworthy Aspects of PSD to Markup Conversion

Are you a great designer but can't code to turn your pixel-perfect design into a mark-up language? You will certainly begin scrolling the web to seek out an expert PSD to mark-up conversion service provider. But before venturing out for a credible service partner, it's very important to decide the right platform for your website. Especially, when you're thinking about converting your photoshop document into a CMS (content management system), you will get a plenty of choices. However, WordPress, ...

   PSD to WordPress, Convert PSD to Wordpress, Convert PSD to Wordpress Theme, PSD to Wordpress Service     2014-08-04 08:46:36

  Want to be a Java developer?

Java is one of the top 3 programming languages in the world. It can be used to develop both web applications and desktop applications and more importantly it is cross platform--write once, run everywhere. Also, it's easy to pick up. If you want to be a Java developer, please get to ask yourself whether you know below listed topics. This list is summarized by Vivek Vermani, a Senior Java Developer: For a Core Java Developer , Ffollowing topics should be good. OOPs Concepts Abstract Classes and I...

   Java,developer,resource     2014-06-19 06:18:47

  How to Set Spring profile With Example

Technology:  Spring Profiles provides a way to isolates the parts of application configuration, it will make available only in certain environments. It is mainly useful it wants to load spring beans based on environment configuration, for example if the operating system is windows we can load some specific spring beans, if it is other than load different spring beans. One more scenario where spring profiles widely used, like for QA environment we will use some database which is hosted local...