Qihoo 360 confirms the cooperation with Google

Affected by the news that Qihoo 360 would cooperate with Google, Qihoo 360 and Baidu are treated differently in capital market at the beginning of 2013. Analysts have high expectations on Qihoo 360 and increase its performance expectations for fiscal year 2013, while Baidu suffered price target downgrades.According to Sina technology news, Qihoo 360 confirmed this news to ZDNet, but they refused to disclose more details. According to Qihoo 360, there is some kind of cooperation existed between ...

   Qihoo 360, Google, Search, Baidu     2013-01-04 12:06:17

  Hologres vs AWS Redshift

Hologres and Redshift are both data warehousing solutions, but they have some differences in terms of features, architecture, and target use cases. Underlying Infrastructure Hologres: Built on Alibaba Cloud's Apsara distributed computing platform, Hologres leverages the underlying infrastructure for storage, computation, and management. It benefits from Alibaba's expertise in cloud-native architecture and real-time data processing. Redshift: Amazon Redshift is based on a Massively Parallel Pro...


  Is Ubuntu becoming a big name in enterprise Linux servers?

Summary: Mark Shuttleworth says yes, Ubuntu is now competitive with Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the enterprise space. Since last summer, Ubuntu has been more popular than Red Hat as a Web server. When you think of Ubuntu Linux, what do you think of? I would guess you think about the Linux desktop. While Ubuntu is certainly a big player—maybe the biggest—when it comes to the Linux desktop, Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, the c...

   Linux,Ubuntu,Daat center,Server     2012-04-15 01:22:53

  The new Surface RT may use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor

According to Sina Tech, Microsoft will launch its new Surface RT tablet equipped with Qualcomm processor . The source said, some of the new Surface RT will use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, this processor will provide faster wireless data connection speed. The current Surface RT uses Nvidia's Tegra processor. Some versions of the Surface RT will continue to use Tegra processor. By adding Qualcomm processor as another option, Microsoft will further expand Surface RT function. Despite Microsoft h...

   Surface RT,Qualcomm,Processor     2013-06-19 08:11:03

  What is cache penetration, cache breakdown and cache avalanche?

When designing and developing highly available system, cache is an very important consideration. It is useful to cache some frequently accessed data so that they can be accessed quickly and also cache can protect the downstream system like DB from being hit too often.  To provide better cache design in large systems, some problems may need to be considered first. In this post, we will talk about some frequently discussed cache problems and mitigation plans. Cache penetration Cache penetrati...


  Top 5 Reasons Not to Use Hadoop for Analytics

As a former diehard fan of Hadoop, I LOVED the fact that you can work on up to Petabytes of data.  I loved the ability to scale to thousands of nodes to process a large computation job.  I loved the ability to store and load data in a very flexible format.  In many ways, I loved Hadoop, until I tried to deploy it for analytics.   That’s when I became disillusioned with Hadoop (it just "ain't all that"). At Quantivo, we’ve explored many ways to deploy H...

   Cloud computing,Hadoop,Analytics     2012-04-17 13:43:26

  Date interval add and sub prior to PHP 5.3

After PHP 5.3, we can use DateInterval object or date_interval_create_from_date_string() function to add or subtract days,weeks,months or years to or from a DateObject.But prior to PHP 5.3,we cannot do this. If we want to achieve the same effect. We need to use some skills. Here is one:We can use strtotime() function to achieve this. For example:$date=date('Y-m-d',time());$datestamp=strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)).' +1 day'); $datestamp=strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)).' +1...

   PHP,DateInterval,Class,PHP 5.3,PHP 5.2     2011-10-21 10:50:10

  Java Development : Overcomes Challenges of Security, Flexibility, and Performance

While launching any web application, a development company faces a challenge that is choosing the programming language for developing it. Though, there are many options available for companies to deliver app solution to businesses, such as .net, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, and their derivatives; still many believe that java can be a good choice for development of apps. A java development company can make amazing app solutions by leveraging their development team’s skills and expertise. But the...

   Java development services     2015-05-20 09:05:50 is considered as partially dangerous by Google

Google has a service called Transparency Report which is to examine billions of URLs per day to identify dangerous pages which may trigger downloading of malicious software.  When you search a site, it will give the status of the site and also the safety details of the site if there are potential dangerous pages on the site.  These details will help the site owners to identify the potential issues and fix them as early as possible, Embarrassingly when searching for, it is c...

   GOOGLE,GOOGLE.COM     2016-04-20 00:38:15

  Multi-master,NoSQL and MySQL

The MySQL family has been innovating rapidly. New features need names and sometimes those names are confusing. Describing something as multi-master or a NoSQL solution has confused me.Multi-master requires one of conflict prevention, conflict resolution or faith. MySQL Cluster provides both conflict prevention and resolution as described in these great posts. Regular MySQL has minimal support for conflict prevention (auto-increment-offset can prevent insert conflict...

   MySQL,NoSQL,Comparison,RANT,Master     2011-10-17 11:30:42