A simple tutorial on GoLang connecting to Clickhouse

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically-typed, concurrent programming language created by Google. ClickHouse is a high-performance, column-oriented database management system that can be used for real-time data analysis. This tutorial will provide a deep dive into how to connect to ClickHouse from a Go program, including how to perform common database operations such as SELECT and INSERT statements. Before proceeding, it is assumed that you already have Go and ClickHouse installed on your mach...

   GOLANG,CLICKHOUSE,TUTORIAL     2023-02-11 07:05:36

  Fix for-range Issue Again in Go 1.22

With the release of Go 1.22, the Go team addressed a long-standing issue with the for-range loop variable scoping, which had been a common pitfall for developers writing concurrent code. Specifically, the problem was that the loop variable in a for-range loop was reused across iterations, leading to unexpected behavior when closures were involved. The Issue Before Go 1.22 Consider the following example: package forange import "fmt" func Do() { done := make(chan bool) values := []string...

   GO,GO 1.22,FOR RANGE,BUG,GO.MOD     2024-11-21 01:03:04

  Understanding GoLang interface

If goroutine and channel are considered as the foundation for GoLang concurrency, interface would be the key for data types in GoLang. In practical Go programming, almost all data types are built/used around interfaces, interface is the core of GoLang data structures. Go is not a typical OOP language, it has no class and inheritance concept syntactically. But it doesn't mean that there cannot be polymorphism in GoLang. Because of interface, it achieves the same polymorphism effect as in C++, tho...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG     2021-05-15 04:16:42

  Run JavaScript in GoLang

In some cases, there might be some JavaScript code needs to be ran in a GoLang project. Fortunately, there are a few libraries which support running JavaScript in GoLang. The most famous one would be v8. This is a Go API for the famous v8 JavaScript engine originally developed for the Chrominum project and the foundation of NodeJS. In this post, we will show some simple steps to get v8 working in a GoLang program on MacOS. First you need to install the package so that you can import it. Run...

   GOLANG,JAVASCRIPT,V8     2019-05-16 07:40:38

  When and Where to Use Pointers in Go

When declaring variables in Go, we usually have two syntax options: In some scenarios, pointers; in others, reference; sometimes, either. It’s great to have choices, but it is also confusing sometimes as to which one in which scenario. To be more reasonable in choice-making, I started from pointers, walked through their natures, and summarized some rules in using them in Go. from unsplash, Jordan Ladikos Pointers Go has pointers. A pointer holds the memory address of a ...

   POINTER,GOLANG     2022-05-01 02:24:43

  bcrypt: Safeguarding Passwords with Strong Hashing and Adaptive Security

Introduction In today's digital world, passwords play a crucial role in protecting personal privacy and information security. Passwords are the most commonly used means of authentication because they are simple yet effective. Password security is the cornerstone of cybersecurity and plays a fundamental role in safeguarding the information security of individuals and organizations. However, with the increasing frequency and complexity of cyberattacks, traditional password hashing algorithms like ...

   BCRYPT,SECURITY     2023-11-15 08:14:35

  Go Error Best Practice

Being indulged in Go for quite a while and having implemented web-related programs, grpc interfaces and Operators, I seem to be an advanced beginner now. However, I am still a raw hand in production-environmental debugging, which is cumbersome if done by querying logs or error messages. Imagine the scenario that a full-text search is called when the specific location of the error log is missing. Then what happens when those error logs are not only in one place? Yes, my error logs can no longer h...

   GO ERROR,ERROR HANDLING     2021-10-07 07:38:28

  Performance comparison of string concatenation in Go language

In Go language, string concatenation is an inevitable operation during development, and efficient string concatenation is crucial for improving application performance. This article will delve into several common ways of string concatenation, provide performance comparisons, and offer optimization suggestions aimed at helping developers write more efficient code. Common ways of string concatenation In Go language, common ways of string concatenation include the following: Using the + operator fo...


  Error handling in GoLang

Error handling is one of the must talked topics for any programming language. The program would be more reliable and stable if errors are handled properly and timely. Each programming language has its own way to handle error, this applies to GoLang as well. This post will discuss more about GoLang's error handling mechanism. Error handling Before talking more about GoLang's error handling, we can see how different programming languages are handling errors. C's error check The most direct way of ...


  The Go Pointer Magic

Go is a language with the pointer type, by which we can Pass pointer into a function and update value in-place. Add methods to a struct as (* T) A, which is different from (T) A(). However, the pointer is type-safe in Go, meaning that there are such restrictions of the pointer. Different types of pointers are unconvertible. Pointer type cannot be used for calculation. Pointer types cannot be compared, either == nor !=. No mutual assignment between different pointer-...

   GOLANG,POINTER,UNSAFE     2021-10-03 02:18:57