JavaScript: It's a Language, Not a Community

There's nothing like jsconf for bringing out the meta! Since the conference ended two blog posts have created a lot of buzz, at least within my own twitter bubble. First, Rebecca Murphey's JavaScript: It's a Language, Not a Religion. I take Rebecca's post as a cautionary tale about the dangers of hero-worship and the tendency to assume that the people we respect in one sphere share our views in other spheres. I bring it up here not because I want to discuss the content of her post but b...

   JavaScript,Language,Community     2012-04-07 10:37:40

  Loading images progressively using Gaussian blur

The popular online publishing platform Medium has adopted an impressive image loading mechanism -- pure color - blur image loading - real image loading. Since images on Medium usually have high definition, it takes much time to load an image and hence brings a bad user experience if rendering the image after it's completely downloaded. The solution Medium comes out is to preload an small image when the real image is being loaded.  On Medium, the HTML code will have below pattern ...


  Getting the most out of your pixels - adapting to view state changes

In Windows 8, your apps run on a variety of screen sizes and under various view states. A user might have your app snapped to the side of a 25-inch desktop monitor, or fill the whole screen of a 10-inch widescreen tablet. In each case, you want your app to take full advantage of the available space. In this post, I show you how you can track the current size and view state of your app in code, and give you tips on how to write your app in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to handle screen si...

   Windos 8,Metro,Resolution,Style     2012-04-23 06:13:02

  The mystery of Duqu Framework solved

The Quest for Identification In my previous blogpost about the Duqu Framework, I described one of the biggest remaining mysteries about Duqu – the oddities of the C&C communications module which appears to have been written in a different language than the rest of the Duqu code. As technical experts, we found this question very interesting and puzzling and we wanted to share it with the community. The feedback we received exceeded our wildest expectations. We got more than 200...

   Duqu,Code mystery,OO C,C++     2012-03-21 09:29:18

  Sending message to Slack Incoming Webhook using PHP

Slack is a popular work collaboration tool and it provides many features which help teams collaborate. It has one function which allows sending messages to channels from external source such as your own web service -- Incoming Webhook. This is extremely useful when want to monitor something and get notified when some event occurs and it doesn't require complicated setup. To send messages using Incoming Webhook, a service URL has to be generated on Slack and then the message can be posted to this...

   PHP,CURL,SLACK,INCOMING WEBHOOK     2017-03-11 21:32:28

  10 Reasons Why Visual Basic is Better Than C#

Visual Basic is a better programming language than Visual C#. Who says so? This article! Here are 10 reasons why you should always choose VB over C#. 1 – “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” This is a quotation from Gertrude Stein’s 1922 play Geography and Plays. However, the poetry wouldn’t work in C#, because – unforgivably – it’s a cASe-SeNSitIvE language. This is madness! Before I start ranting, let me just acknowledge that case-sens...

   Visual basci,C#,Advantage,Comparison     2012-03-10 04:24:03

  What is pjax and why we should use it?

What is pjax? Now many websites such as Facebook, Twitter support one browsing style which is when you click one link on their sites, the page will not be redirected, instead only the page contents are updated and URL on address bar is changed. This kind of user experience is much better compared to load the whole page with a blink. There is one important component in the above browsing experience, these websites' AJAX refresh support browser history, when refreshing the page, the address on the...

   pjax,AJAX,history     2013-04-23 12:22:37

  What and what not to log while debugging

Log is a critical part of an application. It serves as an eye to the programmer on how the application is working while debugging. Especially for applications running on production environment, if the application encounters problem and the problem cannot be reproduced on other environments, log will be extremely useful. While log is essential, but developers have to log smartly. Because if don't put log smartly, you may not get what you want while debugging or you may get too many...

   PROGRAMMING,DEBUG,LOG,SUPPORT     2016-03-14 08:09:03

  Guest Post from a CodeBoy: The Five Stages of Debugging

Being confronted with a serious and difficult-to-diagnose bug can be one of the most traumatic and stressful experiences of a professional programmer's career. Those who have been through such an ordeal rate the stress as on a par with that accompanying serious injury, divorce, or the death of a family member. Researchers who have studied the psychology of computer programming have lately constructed a framework to understand the stages through which the programmer's mind progresses as she...

   Debug,Steps,Stages     2012-05-01 06:39:38

  Android create button tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you already have an activity and are using an XML layout. Open the layout XML and add the button element.  Assign an ID with the “@+id” operator.  The + tells Android to generate an ID for this element so that you can reference it in your Java files. This is an example. Your layout and text elements will probably be very different. In this example case, the ID of the button is “close”. <Button android:id="@+id/close" android:lay...

   Android,Simulator,Button,XML,Tutorial     2014-11-07 08:30:10