A few things Steve Jobs hates doing but his successor did

After Apple released a few "amazing/great" products on 9th September, there are tons of discussions about these new products. The impression most people have is that Apple is losing its capability of innovation and doing things that are NOT different anymore. People will bring back the good memories of Apple when Steve Jobs was still alive everytime when they feel disappointed about the new products Apple released. In this event, Apple released some products which Steve Jobs was hating including...

   Apple,Steve Jobs,Tim Cook,Stylus,Hate     2015-09-11 08:47:13

  Let browser prompt for storing password when doing AJAX login

In Web 2.0 era, more and more web applications are using AJAX to replace the traditional HTML form element to perform user login. This usually provides a better user experience than form submission. But it also brings a side effect to the end users. That is the browser will not prompt the user whether s/he wants to save the password so that s/he no needs to enter the username/password again when visiting the same site next time. Below is the code snippet which does the AJAX login.  <scri...

   AJAX,Browser,Login,Password     2015-06-04 10:02:46

  iPhone 7 may come with following new features

There are all kinds of news that iPhone 7 will be released in the coming September. Now the news seems to be convincing. On 26 August, a Sina Weibo(China's Twitter) user @POPPUR posted an weibo which says that China Telecom, one of the largest telecom vendors in China, has opened the pre-order of iPhone 7. Along with this, a few new features of iPhone 7 are also released. On the photo uploaded, there are a few new features of iPhone 7 displayed. They are : Waterproof No headphone jack Wireless...

   NEW FEATURE,NEWS,IPHONE 7,CHINA TELECOM     2016-08-27 03:50:41

  Do NOT use boolean variable as function parameters

We follow lots of coding styles and coding standards when we do programming, but we may frequently forget one. The forgotten one is that do not use boolean parameter as the function parameters. The reason is it would greatly reduce the readability of the code. Don't believe it? When you read the following code, what does this code mean? widget->repaint(false); Do not repaint? Or what does this mean? After looking at the document, we know that this parameter is whether ...


  Python threads: communication and stopping

A very common doubt developers new to Python have is how to use its threads correctly. Specifically, a large amount of questions on StackOverflow show that people struggle most with two aspects: How to stop / kill a threadHow to safely pass data to a thread and back I already have a blog post touching on these issues right here, but I feel it’s too task-specific for sockets, and a more basic and general post would be appropriate. I assume the reader has a basic familiarity with Pytho...

   Python,Multithreading,Communication,Synchronize     2011-12-28 07:38:32

  Live in Beijing and Thinking about Starting a Tech Company? Read. This. Post. Now.

The Disrupt Beijing Hackathon starts in a little more than 24 hours, and we’ve been working hard over the last few days to make it even more of a no-brainer for local Beijing developers to attend.In addition to the chance to be the next GroupMeor win valuable prizes, we have decided to give all Hackathon attendees who complete a hack and present in the 24-hour period free tickets to the Disrupt conference Monday and Tuesday. That’s a $1,000-plus value for s...

   Startup,Beijing,TechCrunch,Disrupt,2011     2011-10-28 12:41:43

  jQuery 2.0 will drop support for some IE6/7/8 oddities

jQuery official website releases its road map for the future jQuery development. This road map reveals that jQuery 1.8 will be released within a month and other consecutive versions will follow the following release plan:jQuery 1.9 (early 2013): many of the interfaces already deprecated in version 1.8 will be removed; some of them will be available as plugins or alternative APIs supported by the jQuery project. IE 6/7/8 will be supported as today.jQuery 1.9.x (ongoing in 2013 and beyond): This v...

   jQuery 2.0,jQuery,IE support     2012-06-29 05:20:27

  The first 30 tweets on Twitter

Six years ago, we didn't know what a tweet was. But now, there are 340 million tweets posted every day. Looking back, do you know what are the earliest tweets on Twitter when it was released? Let's check them out. Before that, let's check Twitter's background first. Six years ago, Twitter was called twttr (similar to Flickr), the earliest version was similar to an SMS broadcast service, i.e sending short message to friends to tell them what I am doing. It was put online on 22nd October, 2006, J...

   Twitter,history,story     2012-10-11 20:03:22

  Walking through doorways causes forgetting, new research shows

We’ve all experienced it: The frustration of entering a room and forgetting what we were going to do. Or get. Or find.New research from University of Notre Dame Psychology ProfessorGabriel Radvansky suggests that passing through doorways is the cause of these memory lapses.“Entering or exiting through a doorway serves as an ‘event boundary’ in the mind, which separates episodes of activity and files them away,” Radvansky explains.“Recalling the decision...

   Memory loss,Doorway,Forget,Advice     2011-11-21 10:11:19

  HTML5 Drag and Drop Upload and File API Tutorial

Update #3: Using the techniques outlined in this article I have rolled out and initial release of free to download the JS source (it is heavily commented) and take a look at how it was rolled out. Unfortunately the required File API support is only in Chrome and Firefox currently, Safari gets it in version 6, Opera possibly in version 11 and possibly IE 10 (9 has no support).IntroductionOver the last day I’ve been trying to learn how to use the new HTML5 D...

   HTML5,Drag and drop,DnD,File API,Tutorial,Coding     2011-10-29 13:47:14