Top 8 website operation laws

  sonic0002        2012-09-13 20:55:50       4,535        0         

As a website operator, in addition to have some necessary professional knowledge to master a website, such as prototype planning, interaction design, SEO, as well as basic html code, you should also know more about some of the theories which are good for site operations to ensure that the site can be long-term, stable.

1. Law of 250

Girard thinks every person knows at least 250 people. If you win the goodwill of a customer, it means you win the goodwill of 250 individuals; Conversely, if you offend a customer, it means you offend 250 customers.

For your website, a visitor might be able to bring a group of visitors. Any website will have a startup and development process, this law is particularly important in this process.

2. Davidow's law

William H Davidow thinks  a company which wants to take a leading place in the market, then it should be first to develop new products and also should be the first one to rule out old products.

There are many websites which copy other websites, if one website is successful, then people will copy it and create a similar website. But in fact, the first one is easier to success. So when designing a website, you should think hard what's your selling point.

3. Liebig's law of the minimum

The capacity of a barrel with staves of unequal length is limited by the shortest stave. This also applies to an organization, an organization's performance depends on different departments' performance.

So frequently review your website, speed problem? Design problem? Promotion problem? What you need to improve is the weakest part of your website.

4. Matthew Effect

In similar websites, Matthew effect is very obvious. A well-known community is easier to attract new customers than new community. The revelation is, if you can not be bigger the website, then you have to do specifically.

5. Watch theorem

Watch theorem is indicating that a person who has a table, know the present time, but when he has two tables not sure. 2 table can not notify a person the exact time, instead give the people who watch time inaccurate of the correct time.

So for a website, you should only focus on requirements from your target user group, not on people who are irrelevant.

6. Not worth law

Not worth law : things  not worth doing are not worth doing well

Do not over SEO, if you do not want to only do RCPs. Do not waste time beautify and re-beautify a page,  optimize and re-optimize programs, when your website is profitable, these things can be handed over to the completion of the technical staff.

7. Zero-sum game

When you see the two play chess, you can say they're playing a zero-sum game. Because in most cases,
There is always a win, a lose, if we give win as 1 point, and lose as -1 point, then, that the sum of the scores of the two person is: 1 (-1) = 0. Do not spend too much time on the competition website and try to grab its visitors. We need to find complementary partner sites, attracting new visitors.

8. Mushroom management

Mushroom management is an allusion to a company's staff being treated like mushrooms: kept in the dark, covered with dung, and, when grown big enough, canned The connotation is that the management is making decisions without consulting the staff affected by those decisions, and possibly not even informing the staff until well after such decisions are made.

A website may go through this kind process, search engine doesn't index your website, no friend links, no visitors. But once you go through this process, you will gain a bright future.

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