Introduction to the Application of eBPF in Golang

Most of the time, when we develop software or even use software, we play within the safe boundaries of the operating system. We might not know how the network interface welcomes that IP packet, nor how the filesystem handles the inodes when we save a file. This boundary is called user space, which is where we write applications, libraries, and tools. But there's another world, kernel space, where the operating system's kernel resides and is responsible for managing system resources such as memor...

   EBPF,GOLANG,GUIDE,APPLICATION     2024-10-02 08:46:37

  Python Process Protection Watchdog

Project Design Purpose: During participating the cyber exercise as red team member, we found that the injected malware or attack launching program can easy be stopped by the blue team or defense program / mechanisms via killing the process / deleting the file. To address this, our project aims to develop a robust watchdog program designed to bind to target programs, diligently monitor their execution states, and ensure uninterrupted functionality. Continuous Monitoring: Establish a vigilant wa...

       2024-09-14 11:09:14

  10 principles to start your own business

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, bestselling author, and Apple Fellow. He was one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984. He is currently a Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, and has been involved in the rumor reporting site Truemors and the RSS aggregation Alltop. He is also a well-known blogger.We summarized 10 principles to start a new business from one of his presentations. 1. Make meaning in your companyThe most...

   Business,Guy Kawasaki,Tips     2012-05-18 12:11:20

  NativeScript-Vue 1.0 Is Finally Out!

After a year of hard work and dedication, NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is finally available in the market. For those who are new to NativeScript- Vue, it is all about a plugin that simply allows one to build native iOS and Android apps with the help of Vue.js. NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is ready for use in production! And it may quite interest you to know that blending of NativeScript and Vue makes it even easier when it comes to building mobile apps. This launch comes with a shiny new website and extensive d...


  Those famous Emacs users

I don't think using Emacs can improve one's programming skills, I don't think some famous people used Emacs before can provide something, either. But these famous people encouraged me to learn Emacs when I wanted to give it up. Here I created a list of famous Emacs users. Most of people in this list are not famous because they developed or used Emacs, but they are famous and also use Emacs. Joe Armstrong -- Erlang's author In The Setup, Joe mentioned that "I write books using XML markup in emacs...

   Emacs,History     2013-07-28 21:36:09

  SIEM Big Data Visualization : Dashboard for Monitoring Scam Events in Critical Infrastructure

Project Design Purpose: In a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, effective monitoring and visualization of scam events is crucial to detecting and responding to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals often use deceptive methods to exploit individuals or organizations, aiming to steal sensitive information, financial assets, or disrupt operations. This project seeks to develop a web plugin dashboard to help cybersecurity researchers and managers better understand the scope and impact ...

       2024-10-05 20:47:09

  A tutorial on Github Actions

Github Actions is a CI/CD service created by Github. It aims to make it easy to automate all software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy code right from GitHub. It was launched in October 2018 and was officially available to all users in November 2019. This post will give an introduction of Github Actions and explain how it works. What is Github Actions Normally Continuous Integration includes some steps, fetching code, running test, sshing into remote server in...

   GITHUB,GITHUB ACTIONS,CI,CD     2019-12-23 05:33:39

  Tribute to Java On Successful Completion Of 20 Years

There is a great news for fans of Java that this week Java have completed its 20 years of success and that’s why it is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Java is a language which show legacy with the piece of technology and this is virtually important as the powerful programming methods and related machines are JVM (java virtual machine). SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF NEW VERSIONS Java developers are specially celebrating their event due to the huge success of their language and they get success a...

   Java software development, Java development services     2015-05-29 08:23:52

  Leveraging Dedicated Server Hosting for Data Analytics Firms

In the age of data-driven decision making, data analytics firms require powerful and reliable computing resources to extract insights from massive data sets. A dedicated server is a type of server that is solely allocated to a single user or organization. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a dedicated server for data analytics firms. Enhanced Performance A dedicated server offers enhanced performance that cannot be matched by other types of servers. Here are some of the benef...

   HOSTING SERVICE     2023-05-12 04:18:56

  SIEM Big Data Visualization [03]:Graph-Based SIEM Log Analysis Dashboard

Program Design Purpose: The purpose of this program is to develop a Graph-Based SIEM (System Information and Event Management) dashboard that visualizes network communication patterns by processing and analyzing logs from IDS, firewalls, host computers, and other security devices. This dashboard will help security analysts quickly identify and investigate potential threats by using a Cytoscape-style Node-Edge graph for intuitive data representation. The program is an angular plug in which can i...

       2024-10-26 04:31:11