Upgrade phpMyAdmin Version in WAMP

Once PHP version is upgraded in WAMP(especially from PHP 5 to PHP 8), we may encounter issue where phpMyAdmin may not work anymore. It needs us to make some upgrade of phpMyAdmin in this case. To do upgrade, can follow below steps. Download the latest phpMyAdmin version. Unzip the downloaded file and copy it to c:\wamp64\apps and rename it to phpmyadminx.y.z, the version you downloaded. Copy the file from the old phpMyAdmin folder to the new one. Update the alias of Apache s...

   WAMP,PHPMYADMIN,UPGRADE,GUIDE,PHP 8     2024-11-28 00:55:42

  Must read C++ book list

Every programmer should read some books to enhance their understanding about the language before the start to practice. But some of us often wonder what books we should read and in what order. Some books may not be suitable for beginners and some books may cover the similar topics. Here I summarize a C++ book list we should read.Stage 1"Essential C++" : It is short but powerful and it can enhance our understanding of C++'s features.This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a...

   C++,Book list,Read,Effective C++     2012-05-23 13:03:30

  Huawei phone with HarmonyOS installed is becoming real

In past few days, there is a photo of a Huawei phone with HarmonyOS installed appearing on the web. This is an engineering testing phone circulating inside Huawei according to the source.  This is the first time that a real phone with Huawei's own operating system HarmonyOS installed is being seen on the web. This indicates that it will not be that far for general public to be able to access the new Huawei self developed OS. From the photo, there are a few indications: This phone sample s...

   HUAWEI,HARMONYOS,P40     2020-05-19 08:23:48

  Mozilla Firefox Browser Tips & Tricks You Didn't Know About

Chrome might be all the rage right now, but Mozilla’s Firefox browser has always held its own in the browser wars. This open-source browser has its core set of dedicated fans and is popular under a broad user base across the world. With Firefox’s faster web page download speeds and strong privacy policies, it’s not hard to imagine why. But there are some other brilliant features that many might have missed. Take a look at these seven Firefox tricks that many users don’t k...

   NORDPASS,FIREFOX     2020-01-07 09:18:53

  Load and execute JavaScript

When we load and execute JavaScript in a webpage, there are many points we need to care about because of its design and feature. There are two features about JavaScript execution in a browser: 1). The JavaScript codes will be executed immediately once loaded;2). When JavaScript codes are being executed, they will block the following contents (including page rendering and other resources downloading). So if there are multiple js files to be loaded, these codes will be executed sequentially. Since...

   JavaScript,async,defer,load,execute     2013-06-07 04:53:46

  Windows 8 will be on sale on 26th October

Microsoft announced that they would start to sell Windows 8 on 26th October. Earlier this month at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, Microsoft promised that they would release Windows 8 in this October.Steven Sinofsky, Windows department manager, announced this news in Microsoft's yearly sales conference. He mentioned that the next generation Windows operating system would be on sale on the Friday 3 months later. But he didn't mention whether Surface would be released at the same time....

   Windows 8, Release date, Sale date,Surface     2012-07-19 10:38:51

  Taking Precautions to Avoid Shady VPN Providers

VPNs or virtual private networks are virtual tunnels that obscure your IP address, routing your internet traffic through a server located in a country of your choice, in an encrypted and anonymous way. Using a VPN allows you to: secure your sensitive data from hackers obscure the IP address so you can see content not available in your country avoid websites you routinely surf (e.g., Facebook) noticing a different IP address when you are traveling, and asking you to verify your identity bypass t...

   VPN,NETWORKING     2019-02-19 07:26:26

  Use Memory Analyzer Tool in Eclipse

When developing applications, we often encounter memory issues of an application. To analyze how much memory each class takes, we need to have some specific tools to assist us. One of them is Memory Analyzer Tool on Eclipse. The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. To use the Memory Analyzer Tool, you first need to install it on Eclipse. You can go to Help -> Install New Software.... Paste  h...

   Memory analyzer tool, Eclipse,heap dump, HPROF     2014-10-28 07:22:35

  Handy PHP functions should be in your toolkit

When developing projects, there are always some common work should be accomplished, for example, encrption/decryption, get IP. As a PHP developer, you should have a list of the handy functions in your toolkit so that you can pick up in every project you work on. Here is a summary of some handy PHP functions. 1. PHP encryption/decryption Encryption/decryption can be used when storing user confidential information such as passwords. Below function uses base64 and MD5 to accomplish encryption/decry...

   PHP,function,real IP,SQL injection     2014-12-06 08:46:08

  Use of @font-face

Almost all web browsers(including the dinosaur browser IE6) support the web font property @font-face. Its usage is: @font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ } Now we...

   CSS,@font-face     2014-06-08 07:17:34