A simple tutorial on GoLang connecting to Clickhouse

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically-typed, concurrent programming language created by Google. ClickHouse is a high-performance, column-oriented database management system that can be used for real-time data analysis. This tutorial will provide a deep dive into how to connect to ClickHouse from a Go program, including how to perform common database operations such as SELECT and INSERT statements. Before proceeding, it is assumed that you already have Go and ClickHouse installed on your mach...

   GOLANG,CLICKHOUSE,TUTORIAL     2023-02-11 07:05:36

  JavaScript interview questions

This post will cover the JavaScript questions I have encountered and have seen during my programming career. They will mainly focus on vanilla JavaScript though there are lots of excellent frameworks out there and many people are using them in their daily work. this keyword this keyword is an very important but easy to confuse concept in JavaScript since it is always referring to the calling object of the function. 1. What will be the output of below code snippet? function User(name) { this....

   JAVASCRIPT,ALGORITHM,THIS,CLOSURE     2019-03-09 07:05:46

  Binary tree iterator algorithm

Binary tree pre-order,in-order and post-order traversal are basics in algorithm and data structure.And the recursive binary tree traversal is a classical application of recursion. We define a binary tree node as : // C++ struct Node { int value; Node *left; Node *right; } In order binary tree traversal can be: // C++ void inorder_traverse(Node *node) { if (NULL != node->left) { inorder_traverse(node->left); } do_something(node); if (NULL != node->righ...

   Binary tree,Iterator,Traversal     2013-07-14 21:51:09

  SIEM Big Data Visualization [03]:Graph-Based SIEM Log Analysis Dashboard

Program Design Purpose: The purpose of this program is to develop a Graph-Based SIEM (System Information and Event Management) dashboard that visualizes network communication patterns by processing and analyzing logs from IDS, firewalls, host computers, and other security devices. This dashboard will help security analysts quickly identify and investigate potential threats by using a Cytoscape-style Node-Edge graph for intuitive data representation. The program is an angular plug in which can i...

       2024-10-26 04:31:11

  Want to be a programmer? Top programming languages that will be result driven in 2017

Programmers are always high in demand in software industry: take any corporate blue chip Software Company India for instance; programmers are playing a pivotal role in company’s business and relevant growth. In that case if you are planning to pursue a programmer’s career and earn fat package, here goes the range of option for your further study. Alternatively, if you are an employer and you want to understand the basic idea of coding, the outline description of popular programming ...


  Tom Uglow from Google : 5 steps to innovation

Google has been known for its innovation In Google there is a "welfare": each employee can spare 20% of his/her time to do what he/she likes to do so that any idea has a chance to be turned into reality. Perhaps this freedom makes Google capable of introducing new products and new ideas continuously. Google China held a small discussion session in its office in Tsinghua Science Park recently, Google Creative Director Tom Uglow shared some experience and cases of Google in production and innovat...

   Innovation,Technology,Google     2012-10-10 20:00:47

  Check out Google Reader substitutes

It's only a few hours left that Google Reader will be shut down Since Google decides to decommission such a good product, many people are disappointed about Google. The gene of Google is completely different from Facebook, The strategy of promoting Google+ everywhere is becoming a bit offensive. As a heavy user of Google Reader, people have to start looking for an alternative, Below we give a comparison of different Google Reader substitutes. And we compare them with following parameters: Lload...

   RSS reader,Google Reader,Feedly     2013-06-30 08:46:42

  IDEs for Java programmers

IDEs are great helpers to programmers. They can help programmers write less error-prone programs with less time. They have become an inevitable part of many programmers. As a Java developer, you may be familiar with Eclipse already. But do you know other IDEs for Java programmers? We will give an overview of different IDEs for Java programmers. These IDEs are Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, NetBean and BlueJ. Eclipse Eclipse is the most widely used IDE for Java programmers. It's an open source IDE whic...

   Java IDE,BlueJ,NetBeans,Eclipse     2014-08-21 06:15:54

  Meta tag in HTML header

In server response, we can use response.setHeader() to set the meta information in header of a HTML page. The usage is response.setHeader(name,context); meta is used to simulate the response header of HTTP protocol in HTML page. It should be put between the <head> and </head> tag. 1. <meta name="Generator" content="" > <!--This is to specify the tool which generates this page such as Microsoft FrontPage 4.0 etc --> 2. <meta name="keywords" content=""> <!-- To tel...

   HTTP,meta,HTML,head     2013-05-22 11:34:08

  Tips of Drafting an R Markdown Document

When presenting the data summary and exploratory analysis, we used to copy a lot of tables, charts from Rstudio to PowerPoint, which makes the presentation preparation painful. It becomes essential for data scientists to make use of better reporting tools, such as R markdown, Jupyter notebook to prepare the analysis presentation in a more efficient and organized way. Of course, we want this to be reproducible! In this post, I would like to share some tips of using the right tools to draw tables,...

   R PROGRAMMING     2020-11-01 23:09:45