5 Free Open Source Chat Applications For Developers

A chat application allows users to communicate with others via texting, messaging, video and audio conferencing. While developing a web application web masters always think that they should communicate with their audience directly rather than emails, phone or contact forms, or chat applications can be used in various web applications such as social networking sites, business sites for live support etc.We understand the needs of webmasters and that’s why we searched and explored myriad of ...

   AJAX,Chat,Web,Chat system,Open source,Pr     2011-09-07 10:49:29

  How to Encrypt Your Online Conversations

Do you ever get the feeling that somebody might be listening to or reading your private conversations? You're not crazy.  Online platforms don’t hide that they use data from chats, searches, emails, and other places for targeted advertisements. Aside from being a massive invasion of privacy, it also puts your security at risk.  But it is possible to prevent people from snooping on you. All you need is a little encryption. Check out these different ways you can add encryption into...

   DATA SECURITY,VPN     2020-01-30 07:33:29

  Simplify Cloud Data Security: A Deep Dive Into Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Featuring encryption, anonymization, hashing, and access control Network security incidents occur now and then, mostly caused by data leakage. Data security has aroused widespread concern, and the community keeps working hard on approaches to simplify data security, especially in sensitive data protection. Sensitive data includes but is not limited to personally identifiable information (PII) like names, ID numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, contact information like addre...


  Call of Duty Elite Has Amazing Security

I had tried to register for Elite yesterday, and the servers were being funny, so I wasn't sure if I'd registered. I just now tried to reset my password, and I got the following:Hello JoshForgot your password? These things happen. Access your account with the password below:{Actual Unencrypted Password}Really? They're storing hundreds of thousands of passwords in plain text??EDIT: Not sure what the downvotes are for, surely it's not because huge companies like Steam and Sony never get hacked, an...

   Game,Elite,Call of duty,Defect     2011-11-15 12:42:50

  Mock Solutions for GoLang Unit Test

In Go development, Unit Test is inevitable. And it is essential to use Mock when writing Unit Tests. Mock can help test isolate the business logic it depends on, enabling it to compile, link, and run independently. Mock needs Stub. Stub function replaces the real business logic function, returns the required result, and assists the test. I involved the related test code for Controllers while writing Kubernetes Operator recently, and there would be mocks for GRPC and HT...

   UNIT TEST,TESTIFY,GOSTUB,GOMOCK     2020-10-31 21:59:15

  Understanding PGO in GoLang 1.20

Background The Go 1.20 version was officially released in February 2023, it introduced the PGO(Profile Guided Optimization) mechanism. The basic principle of PGO can be divided into the following two steps: First, profiling is performed on the program to collect data about the program's runtime and generate a profiling file. When compiling the program, enable the PGO option, and the compiler will optimize the program's performance based on the content in the .pgo file. When compiling a program...

   GO 1.20,PGO,GOLANG     2023-02-28 04:27:46

  CSS DIV position analysis

When using CSS to set the position of DIV, we may often get confused with the 4 position properties : static, relative, absolute and fixed. If we don't understand them correctly, we may often get unexpected result. Here we make some analysis to them.The definitions of these 4 properties:static : The default position property. It has no position actually. The element will appear where it should be (top, bottom, left, right or z-index has no use here)relative : This one will position relati...

   CSS, DIV,position,relative,absolute     2013-01-29 03:23:57

  This Is Why Your Website Is Slow

Click for a larger image Ghostery, the browser plugin that allows its users to "track the trackers," just released data on the tags, widgets and analytics on websites that are the worst in terms of slowing page loads to a crawl. Update: Ghostery discovered an error in their original data set. It appears that Millenial Media was not on this year's list at all, and the #2 slot belonged to AdFunky. Both the text and the graph above have been changed to reflect this. Any webmaster worth his or he...

   Web application,Performance,Slow,Reason,Lagtag     2011-11-30 11:45:25

  11 Important Database designing rules

Introduction Before you start reading this article let me confirm that I am not a guru in database designing. The below 11 points which are listed are points which I have learnt via projects, my own experiences and my own reading. I personally think it has helped me a lot when it comes to DB designing. Any criticism welcome. The reason why I am writing a full blown article is, when developers sit for designing a database they tend to follow the three normal forms like a silver bullet. They...

   Database design,Rules,OLAP     2012-04-12 05:51:38

  PHP to get access token for Sina Weibo app

Previously I wrote two articles about getting access token for Facebook and Twitter apps using PHP. Today I will write one more article about getting access token for Sina Weibo app using PHP. OAuth 2.0 is now the authorization mechanism of Sina Weibo API. The API authorization process is similar to the process of Twitter. It has basically two steps: 1. Authorization; 2. Get access token. 1. Create an app. I hope you know how to create an app in Sina Weibo now. If not. You can access this page ...

   PHP,access token,Sina Weibo     2013-05-16 12:07:39