SEARCH KEYWORD -- Certificate

  All I Know About Certificates -- Clients

 Finally, in last article we’ve covered the responsibilities of CAs, showing that being a CA isn’t simple and has high management costs, explaining why issuing certificates costs money! This article we will cover the client in this chain. Verifying Certificates as a Client For clients, verifying certificates isn’t simple either. Articles introducing TLS handshakes often mention "the server sends back a certificate, and the client verifies it," but in reality, as ...


  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Tricks and tips

Just like other software configuration, there would be issues encountered during the OpenLDAP proxy setup process. In this post, we would try to summarize some of the tricks and tips for OpenLDAP proxy setup. OpenLDAP Version We would always recommend that you install the latest version of the OpenLDAP because they contain the latest features, bug fixes and security patches. You should always refer to the latest release notes for new changes. In case you have used an earlier version of Open...


  Different types of keystore in Java -- Overview

Keystore is a storage facility to store cryptographic keys and certificates. They are most frequently used in SSL communications to prove the identity of servers and clients. A keystore can be a file or a hardware device. Three are three kinds of entries can be stored in a keystore depending on the types of keystores. The three types of entries are: PrivateKey : This is a type of keys which are used in asymmetric cryptography. It is usually protected with password because of its sensitivity. It ...


  How to commit code to OpenStack

If you want to make contributions to OpenStack, the best way to start is to help the community with blueprint or submit bug fix. To commit codes, you need to conform to some rules in the community. Work flow Register an OpenID Apply for a CLA certificate Apply for company CLA certificate Update contributor list Join OpenStack Contributors group and OpenStack group Set up SSH Keys Get a blueprint/bug git clone codes to local disk. Configure user name and user email and openid Modify codes in a l...

   OpenStack,Contribution     2013-08-04 23:04:45

  Chrome to block mixed content downloads in version 86

Google has announced its plan to block mixed content downloads in Chrome in February 2020 and now the day to block mixed content downloads is coming soon as we are nearing October when Chrome 86 is supposed to be released. What is mixed content downloads? According to Google, it is non-HTTPS downloads started on secure pages. For example, if you access a page called, and in this page, there is a download link to, ...

   CHROME,MIXED CONTENT DOWNLOADS     2020-09-18 21:10:53

  Using Java keytool programmatically

Java provides a command line tool to access and operate different keystore which store keys and certificates. This tool is named keytool and is located at \bin.  On command line, you can issue below command to generate a keystore named mytest.jks which contains a private key and certificate chain. keytool -genkeypair -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname CN=Java -storetype JKS -keypass password -keystore mytest.jks -storepass password Sometimes, in testing purpose, w...

   JAVA,KEYTOOL     2016-01-09 06:28:07

  Why does Symbian collapse?

On 24th January, Nokia announces a disappointing news that they would give up Symbian. The 808 PureView released last year will be its last Symbian model.  Symbian was born in 1998, it was supported by the then three mobile giants : Sony Ericson, Motorola and Nokia after its birth, later Samsung and LG also joined the Symbian camp. In 2000, the first Symbian model in the world Ericoson R380 was released, in 20006, there were over 100 million Symbian handphones on the market. But in 2007, t...

   Nokia, Symbian, Collapse, Analysis     2013-01-28 03:06:09

  Essential Rules To Protect Your Credit Card When Shopping Online

You have to protect yourself and your credit card online while shopping. There are a number of ways to do this, but some prove more technical than others. Your basic best defense includes sensible use and layers of protection. The best way to do this is to pick and choose which stores at which you charge purchases. You can reduce the chance of losing your card details to a thief by declining to allow the retailer to store your credit card. Use a password manager to save your passwords and make a...

   SECURITY,CREDIT CARD,MASTERCARD     2019-10-09 08:40:07

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Installation and configuration

After understanding what the configuration would be for an OpenLDAP proxy, it's time to explain the installation of OpenLDAP proxy and how to make it run. In this post, we will cover how to install OpenLDAP proxy both locally and using docker. Local installation The installation is quite easy, there are a few packages to be installed including the ldap server, ldap client and some utilities. Below steps are for CentOS, the instructions for other platforms should be similar with minor differ...


  It looks like TechCrunch blocks GoDaddy server access

Recently, I encountered an issue with an app I maintain—it suddenly stopped pulling RSS feeds from TechCrunch. At first, I suspected that the RSS feed URL might have changed. However, after further investigation, I discovered a different story. The URL itself was unchanged, but the results varied depending on where the request was coming from. To troubleshoot, I started by setting up a local web server and running a test with my script to see if it could still pull the RSS feed. The script...

   TECH CRUNCH,GODADDY,AI,BLOCK ACCESS     2024-08-17 12:31:52