Why localStorage only allows to store string values

localStorage allows data to be stored in browsers across sessions, the data will be there even though the session is expired. It is frequently used to store static data so that they can be loaded when needed. But as per spec, it says that the keys and the values are always strings (note that, as with objects, integer keys will be automatically converted to strings). Why cannot store the object as it is? Take a look at an example: var str = "test"; localStorage.setItem("str", str); cons...

   JAVASCRIPT,LOCALSTORAGE     2020-04-05 00:54:29

  The Ultimate Guide to Implement Function Overloading in Python

Introduction When it comes to function overloading, those who have learned Java should be familiar with it. One of the most common uses is logging, where different overloaded functions are called for different parameters. So, how can we implement function overloading in Python? Concept of Overloading Function overloading allows multiple functions with the same name to exist within the same scope, but with different parameter lists. Although many programming languages (like Java and C++) support ...

   GUIDE,JAVA,OVERLOADING,PYTHON     2024-11-14 22:29:17

  Let's talk about JavaScript deep clone

In JavaScript, deep clone means creating a brand new object that includes all nested objects, with all properties being completely independent copies. This is different from shallow copying, which only copies the first-level properties, with nested objects being referenced rather than copied. There are multiple ways to perform deep copying in JavaScript, but the best one to use depends on the specific use case. Can use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify? ❌ JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) is a dep...

   JAVASCRIPT,DEEP CLONE     2023-02-25 08:57:11

  File upload in PHP

File is a special kind of form data, when being uploaded to the server through HTTP POST request, PHP will create a $_FILES global array, the relevant file information will be stored in this global array. We will illustrate file upload with some code snippets using PHP and look into the internal work mechanism. Lastly will talk about file upload security. File upload In order for users to upload files in client side, we have to provide a form on the user interface. Since the uploaded file is a s...

   File upload,PHP     2012-11-30 22:01:28

  Differences between bashrc and profile in Linux

After login to a Linux system, the command console will show up with a prompt label such as # or ~, a shell command can be typed after this prompt and the system can execute the command thereafter. All these operations are handled by shell. Shell is a command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input device (keyboard) or from a file. There are different types of shells such as bash, ksh, csh etc. The most commonly used of them is bash and it's also the de...


  HTML5 Web Worker

Web Worker is a JavaScript multithreading solution provided by HTML5. we can put some compute intensive codes into Web Worker and it will not hang the user interface. 1. How to use Web Worker Web Worker's basic mechanism is to use Worker to load a JavaScript file to create a new thread in JavaScript's main thread. It will not block other thread's execution and will provide a data exchange interface between main thread and new thread : postMessage() and onmessage. Let's look at an example: //work...

   JavaScript,HTML,Web Worker     2012-12-02 06:25:00

  Let's talk about JSON.stringify()

JSON has been used in lots of places to exchange data among different services/systems. Nowadays all mainstream programming languages have built-in library support of JSON data parse and stringify. In this post, let's talk about JSON.stringify() in JavaScript. Let's first take a small example of Object conversion handling. There is a requirement to convert below object const todayILearn = { _id: 1, content: '今天学习 JSON.stringify(),我很开心!', ...

   JAVASCIPT,JSON,JSON.STRINGIFY     2020-02-22 04:25:08

  Using Nlog Logging Framework With Vnext In Asp.Net

In this article, development company experts will brief you about asp.netVNext and its features. They will also explain how to use NLog Logging framework in Read this article and learn what they want you to understand. Overview of Asp.Net VNext The next level of Asp.Net after Asp.Net 5 is Asp.Net VNext. Currently, the code is run in Asp.Net with same CLR as that of desktop apps. There is a need for cloud optimized version of Asp.Net for getting higher throughput with lesser memo...


  Name resolution order in JavaScript

To understand what value a variable has in JavaScript, we need to understand some concepts such as scope and name resolution order. JavaScript has two scopes; one is program level and the other one is function level. Unlike in C,C++ or Java, JavaScript has no block level scope. So a variable defined in a if block will still be available outside. For example, the below example: var foo = 1; function bar() { if (true) { var foo = 10; } alert(foo); } bar(); The alert will display 10 since the ...

   JavaScript,Scope,Name resolution     2013-07-10 01:29:28

  Start to work with rollup.js to pack JS files

rollup.js is a module bundler for JavaScript. It compiles small piece of JavaScript modules spreading in different files into a single larger standardized ES code file. This post will show some entry level usage for this library. Introduction Normally a bundler tool would compile a few small JavaScript files into a single JavaScript so that web browser can read, parse and render it properly. A bundler tool may be needed because of a few reasons: Some early stage browsers don't understand module...