5 essential job search tips for web designers

Being a web designer is about many things – an in-depth technical knowledge, a flair for great aesthetics and excellent communication skills. Even if it sounds complex (and perhaps precisely because it does), the job can be immensely rewarding and creatively stimulating. How to break in and go straight for success in this profession? Here are 5 essential tips for getting lots of web design work. 1. Develop technical skills that matter Before you enter the job market, you'll need to have a ...

   job search tips, job seekers, job search     2015-04-17 10:17:19

  Writing API clients in Perl and Python

I recently released a couple of API clients for the file sharing service, one in Perl and one in Python. (I am just a fan of the service, not an employee or contractor.) I would judge myself an "intermediate" pythonista mostly due to inexperience. It's a culture shock coming from a background of CPAN. The old joke is that Perl is just a life support system for CPAN and that is arguably true, but I am here to tell you: you may not appreciate how good Perl hackers have it with respe...

   API,Perl,Python,API Writing,Pattern     2011-12-23 08:02:38

  Mastering Go Channels: How to Build Concurrent Applications Like a Pro

Introduction In the world of concurrent programming, Go channels have quickly become a popular tool for building fast and efficient applications. Utilizing channels can help you take full advantage of the power of Go's lightweight threads, or goroutines, and enable you to easily and effectively manage data sharing and synchronization. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of Go channels and show you how to build concurrent applications like a pro. Understanding Go Channels To start, le...

   GOLANG,CHANNEL,CONCURRENCY     2023-04-21 14:47:47

  HTML Email Guide

Many of us may subscribe to some newsletters to get update about their site or information about a topic such as JavaScript Weekly, we may receive an email every week or every month to know what's happening there. The email we receive is just a simple HTML page but with an Email format called HTML Email. It seems it's simple to write this kind of HTML Email. But the thing is it's not so easy. It takes much effort by just designing an Email template. Whether the HTML Email can be displayed norm...

   HTML Email,Guide     2013-06-16 03:38:36

  All I Know About Certificates -- Certificate Authority

One of the crucial steps in the TLS handshake is for the server to prove its identity to the client. While there is plenty of content explaining the principles of the handshake, there's less information about certificates, which are a critical component of TLS/SSL. This series of articles aim to explain what certificates are used for, how Google prevents others from impersonating Google, and why certificate issues frequently arise, among other topics. (Postscript: It took me a full 10 hours to w...


  All I Know About Certificates -- Websites

In last article, we know the role of clients and their responsibilities for certificate verification. Finally, let's talk about websites. We've discussed many potential issues between CAs and clients concerning certificates, but the most frequent issue is with websites—many websites have faced this problem: certificate expiration. Websites need to ensure two things: Ensure their certificate does not expire. Protect their private key from being leaked. If someone else obtains the priv...


  What Separates Good Designers from Great Ones

Most of the design books you read, including my own, are about how to be a good, competent designer. They are about how to make strong, reasoned design decisions and about design methods and tools. But what they won’t—can’t—teach you is how to become a great designer. The only way to be a great designer is to produce great products. Everything else is…well, everything else. I’m convinced that the people who are great designers, while assure...

   Designer,Feature,Great designer,Good designer,Comparison     2011-12-06 02:25:17

  Redis Cluster and Common Partition Techniques in Distributed Cache

In this post, I will discuss a few common partition techniques in distributed cache. Especially, I will elaborate on my understanding on the use of Redis Cluster. Please understand that at the time of writing, the latest version of Redis is 4.0.10. Many articles on the same topic have a different idea from this post. This is mainly because, those articles are probably outdated. In particular, they may refer to the Redis Cluster implementation in Redis 3. Redis Cluster has been improved...


  The Tale Of Perfect Checkout Page & Magento Online Store

I bet you've already googled every bit of advice on how to win customers. You've installed and integrated bazillions of extensions and marketing tools, rewritten every piece of text on your site, redesigned and rebranded your Magento store. In case you're still wondering why clients keep coming and going away without purchasing your goods, this article is for you. I solemnly declare that every single piece of advice on leading a customer to buy from your online store, you've read so far is imper...

   magento, magento user experience, ecommerce, online business     2015-04-16 21:15:09

  Be careful when running knife vault command

While using Chef, one would frequently use knife commands which are used to manage resources on the Chef server. One can list all nodes, data bags, vault items and many other stuff on the Chef server. In this post, we would cover one command which may need your attention when using it -- knife vault. On Chef server, one can store data to data bags which can be accessed by registered clients. These data bags usually store the data in plain text format. In some cases, one would need to store data ...