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  Say good bye to netbook

Asus and Acer are the last two manufacturers of netbooks, but these two companies announced that they would not manufacture netbooks starting from January 1, 2013. Prior to them, Samsung, Hewlett-Packard and Dell stopped production of the netbooks. This means that the life cycle of netbook officially ended.Back to 2009, the U.S. market research firm ABI Research was very optimistic about netbook's future, they said netbook would open a new era for PC market and predicted netbook shipments would ...

   Netbook,Tablet PC, Comparison     2013-01-02 11:53:33

  It makes nothing but sense...Mobile Payment...

Chinese New Year is around the corner, every place in China and lots of places in the work have been in the CNY mode. People are rushing out to get all the stuff ready to welcome the New Year Eveand the Spring Festival. I also packed my stuff and flew back to my howntown in China to enjoy the great moment to stay with families and hang out with friends whom I have't been seeing for almost one year. I am exited... However, the first thing stunned me is not my friends but the mobile payment s...


  Guide on recovering data in MySQL

In our daily work, there might be mistakes made which got some data or even databases deleted in MySQL. If this happens on production, it would be a nightmare. In case this happens, normally DBA would jump in to save the world. And they would try to recover the data from the backup if there is any. But if there is no backup, then the show stops. Hence database backup is necessary on production environments to avoid such awkward situation. Also normally in MySQL, binlog should be enabled as well ...


  Change password of postgres account in Postgres

When installing Postgres on Windows, there is some default account created for user to login. One of them is postgres, but we often don;t know what's the password for this account when we first login using this account. We need to change the password for this account. How to change it? Step 1. Modify the pg_hba.conffile Go to the /data/ and open the pg_hba.conf. # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ...

   Postgres,password, user account     2013-03-04 01:51:02

  Does Android team like to eat Kitkat?

Google released the new Android development code for Android 4.4 :KitKat.The new version will bring astonishing user experience for Android users. The interesting thing about the name is that it has the same name as one brand of Nescafe's chocolate wafer. Nescafe has authorized that Google can use this name as their development code. We may guess that the project team or the director was eating Kitkat or like to eat Kitkat while they were brainstorming the new development code, so they came out ...

   Android,Kitkat,development code     2013-09-03 23:03:03

  Huateng Ma becomes the richest person in China

On 22 July, Licai Zhoubao, a famous wealth management media in China, released a ranking about Chinese most richest people. In this ranking, Tencent CEO, Huateng Ma for the first time becomes the richest person in China with 46.7 billion RMB(around  $7.6 billion), his wealth was 35.4 billion RMB(around $5.76 billion) last year. That means his wealth increases 11.3 billion RMB($1.84 billion) in one year. In 2012, Tencent Corp had a revenue of 43.9 billion RMB(around $7.15 billion), which inc...

   Tencent,WeChat,Huateng Ma     2013-07-22 08:55:13

  Welcome To The Latest Technology Of This ERA

In the era of 70’s, Hollywood showed us a glimpse of gadgets that we would be having in the 21st century. Here we are! Driving cars without a driver, having one phone in our wrists and another one in our pockets, and what not!? The promises that Hollywood made are eventually coming true. Here is a list of some latest technologies that we have never thought of if we go back to the 70’s and now they are so common. Waterproof Phone Now-a-days people are so addicted to phones that they ...


  Latest PHP patch cannot fix the bug

On Wednesday(2012-05-02), a remote code execution vulnerability in PHP was accidentally exposed to the Web, prompting fears that it may be used to target vulnerable websites on a massive scale. The bug itself was traced back to 2004, and came to light during a recent CTF competition.A CERT advisory on the flaw explains: “When PHP is used in a CGI-based setup (such as Apache's mod_cgid), the php-cgi receives a processed query string parameter as command line arguments which allows com...

   PHP,bug,patch,bypassed     2012-05-08 11:20:56

  A couple of tips for beginning programmers

Whether it is football, quantum physics, a new foreign language or programming, the beginnings are problematic. What is more, no amount of advice can teach you as much as your own experience. Nevertheless, the following tips will help you avoid some mistakes, save your time and develop good programmer habits from the very beginning.Practise logical thinkingAlthough some may laugh at the stereotype of a programmer being a Maths genius, there is no use denying that learning Maths and Logics prepar...

   Programming,Tips,Beginner     2014-06-17 07:47:31

  The story behind Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free front end framework used for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. It now becomes a very popular front end frameworks for web designers. This framework was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. Later this framework was open sourced and hosted on GitHub and it now becomes one of the most popular ...

   Open source,Bootstrap     2013-12-16 08:14:22