Behavior of defer function in named return function

In Go, there is a special concept of named return value in function where a returned value can have name. For example, below is a named function in Go. func returnNamed() (i int) { i = 1 return } When the function returns, the return value i will have a value of 1.  Also, Go has a concept of defer which will execute a function just before the calling function exits. This is similar to what finally block does in other languages such as Java. For example, a defer function can be func deferF...


  Run code with multiple files in the same main package in GoLang

To run a GoLang program, there needs to be a main() function defined. In some cases when developing some demo program which has multiple files and just wanna put them in the same main package and this folder is not in GOPATH, how to run the program? Let's say we have following folder structure where the main() function is defined in main.go. If you just run below command, it would fail to start to run the program and gives some error if some struct is defined in other files and being used. PS D...


  If Multitasking Is Impossible, Why Are Some People So Good at It?

"Multitasking means screwing up several things at once," somebody once said, wrongly. In fact, we don't do many things at once, ever. We do many things in quick succession. And some of us are very good at it.Nagy-Bagoly Arpad/ShutterstockEverybody multitasks. We have conversations while driving. We answer email while browsing the Web. It's hard to imagine living any other way. What would be the alternative, removing the seats from your car to ensure you only drive alone? Block every website not ...

   Multitasking,Human,Program,Task switch,Myth     2011-11-18 09:03:22

  Popular Golang JSON libraries evaluation

JSON (Javascript Object Notation), a prevailing data exchange format, is widely used in various platforms and languages. Golang, of course, will never miss the support for JSON. And with its own standard library, such as those interfaces like the REST API from the API Service in Kubernetes, it can easily process JSON. Although Go’s library works great, we can still seek those open-source JSON libs in Github to maximize our efficiency. Then the features, performance, applicability of these ...


  Create an adaptable website layout with CSS3 media queries

With the rise of both very large screens and mobile devices, web developers have to be able to create websites that display correctly and look good whatever the device is. Sure, you can use good old techniques like fluid layouts, but I’ve got something better to show you today. This tutorial will teach you how you can create an adaptable website layout using CSS3.Getting startedView demo (Horizontally resize your browser to view it in action)Download filesCreating the default layoutT...

   CSS3,Media,Mobile device,Resize,PC,@medi     2011-09-20 12:38:27

  C++ Without Fear: Functions

A function is a group of related statements that accomplish a specific task. Understanding functions is a crucial step to programming in C++, as Brian Overland explains in this chapter from his book.The most fundamental building block in the programming toolkit is the function—often known as procedure or subroutinein other languages. A function is a group of related statements that accomplish a specific task. Once you define a function, you can execute it whenever you need ...

   C++,Feature,Function,Elaboration,Fear     2011-09-03 11:03:11

  Deep Dive into Spin Locks in Golang

In concurrent programming, a Mutex is a commonly used synchronization mechanism to protect critical resources and prevent data races. However, in certain specific scenarios, especially when the lock-holding time is short and the number of threads is limited, a more lightweight lock known as a Spin Lock can provide higher performance. What is a Spin Lock A Spin Lock is a form of busy-wait lock. When a thread attempts to acquire a lock held by another thread, it continuously checks the lock's stat...

   SPINLOCK,MUTEX,GOLANG     2024-01-10 05:53:28

  How does JGSS read Windows native TGT credential?

MS LSA is a protected subsystem that authenticates and logs users onto the local system. The user credential is stored at the native credential cache of LSA on Windows. This kind of credential is often used to authenticate the user to the server, one of the authentication methods is Kerberos. JGSS has provided a native interface which can read the native TGT credential and use it to get the TGS of a service. But how does JGSS read the native TGT credential? Here is a sample code for reading nati...


  Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3

As web designers, we all seem obsessed by HTML5 and CSS3 at the moment. Endless posts, tutorials and discussion about them dominate the blogosphere. But how much are we learning that can be applied today? Don’t get me wrong. We all need to understand HTML5 and CSS3. And a lot of it can be used today. My point is that we seem to be spending a disproportionate about of time reading up on the subject when so many other areas deserve our attention. While others are reading yet another tut...

   Clients, Opinion, Web Designers     2011-06-24 00:55:06

  The faster-than-fast Fourier transform

The Fourier transform is one of the most fundamental concepts in the information sciences. It’s a method for representing an irregular signal — such as the voltage fluctuations in the wire that connects an MP3 player to a loudspeaker — as a combination of pure frequencies. It’s universal in signal processing, but it can also be used to compress image and audio files, solve differential equations and price stock options, among other things.The reason the Fourier...

   FFT,Fast fourier transform,MIT,Compression     2012-01-19 09:59:09