A couple of tips for beginning programmers

Whether it is football, quantum physics, a new foreign language or programming, the beginnings are problematic. What is more, no amount of advice can teach you as much as your own experience. Nevertheless, the following tips will help you avoid some mistakes, save your time and develop good programmer habits from the very beginning.Practise logical thinkingAlthough some may laugh at the stereotype of a programmer being a Maths genius, there is no use denying that learning Maths and Logics prepar...

   Programming,Tips,Beginner     2014-06-17 07:47:31

  Dates in PHP and MySQL

I see a lot of people on forums and on my training courses asking about the best way (or any way) to manage dates stored in a MySQL database and used in PHP. Three options follow, but first the problem.PHP uses unix timestamps for all its date functionality. It has methods to convert these timestamps into pretty much any text format you could want but internally it uses the timestamp format. A timestamp is simply an integer. Specifically, it’s the number of seconds that have ela...

   PHP,MySQL,Date format,Date,Comparison,Date compare     2011-10-17 14:00:57

  Cracking Siri

On October 14, 2011, Apple introduced the new iPhone 4S. One of its major new features was Siri, a personal assistant application. Siri uses a natural language processing technology to interact with the user.Interestingly, Apple explained that Siri works by sending data to a remote server (that’s probably why Siri only works over 3G or WiFi). As soon as we could put our hands on the new iPhone 4S, we decided to have a sneak peek at how it really works.Today, we managed to crack ...

   Siri,Cracking,Defect,Speech to text,Record,AI     2011-11-15 08:38:23

  Top 9 Most Popular Programming Languages In IT Companies

1.) C LanguageC  Language is a general-purpose computer programming language developed between 1969 and 1973by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratoriesfor use with the Unix operating system.Although C was designed for implementing system software. it is also widely used for developing portable application software.?0102030405060708091011#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world!\n");&nbs...

   C,Java,C#,C++,Ruby,Popular programming l     2011-04-27 09:21:52

  It’s Not Too Late to Learn How to Code

Coding is sort of like a superpower; with it you can create things that millions of people see. You can change the way people behave, the way they think, and the way they interact with others. This is beyond awesome, but I’ve also met a lot of people that think that this ability is inaccessible to them. I’ve met a lot of “non-technical” people who seem to think that this superpower is only bestowed on those fortunate enough to have it come easily to them at a very early...

   Tips,Coding,Preparation,Interest     2011-10-17 11:26:38

  Microsoft Edge extension manifest v2 migration to v3

In June 2023, Microsoft Edge would not allow Edge extensions with manifest version before v3 to be listed on Microsoft web stores as v3 extensions add more security privacy related restrictions on some of the functions. Hence all extensions with manifest v2 must migrate to v3. In this post, we would show how we did the migration for one of our extensions and the changes made. There is a checklist provided by Microsoft Edge team on what needs to be updated so that the extension can stil...

   MICROSOFT EDGE,EXTENSION,MANIFEST V3     2022-10-01 02:54:47

  Microsoft will drop support of IE8, IE9 and IE10

Microsoft will push the last set of security updates for IE8, IE9 and IE10 next Tuesday(January 12). Thereafter that Microsoft will drop support of these three versions of IE. These are some other old products given up by Microsoft since Windows 7.  IE11 will be the only Internet Explorer supported and Edge will be another star advocated by Microsoft. The good news is you will not get annoying notification from Microsoft anymore to ask you to upgrade your IE. But the bad news users&nb...

   MICROSOFT,IE,NEWS     2016-01-09 07:55:44

  Linux Command Line tips that every Linux user should know t

Below is the collection of Linux command line tips which I’ve found useful for Linux users. To get more information about the command mentioned below just open your terminal and type man <command>.Things a Linux user must learnLearn bash: No need to refer a lengthy bash guide or something else. Just read the complete man page of bash (man bash).Learn vim: You might be using Emacs or Eclipse for your work all the time but nothing can compete vim.Learn ssh: Learn the basics of passw...

   Linux,Unix,Command line,Tips     2012-03-21 09:27:03

  Diving Deeper into HTML5 Offline Browsing

Recently, I published an article on one of the new features in HTML 5 called Offline Browsing  in HTML5 with ApplicationCache.The response to that article was good, and I was asked to expand on some further points including:how to decide on what files to cachethe implications of caching those filesdebugging the ApplicationCacheSo, that’s where this article will start: where the last one finished.  If you haven’t, you should probably read the previous article before this o...

   HTML5,Offline browsing,New breakthrough,Feature     2011-12-20 08:46:06

  9 useful jQuery code snippets

jQuery is one of the most popular JS library among front end developers because of its functionality and usability. Here we share with you some useful jQuery code snippets which can be used in our daily front end development. 1. Smoothly return to page top $(document).ready(function() { $("a.topLink").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $($(this).attr("href")).offset().top + "px" }, { duration: 500, easing: "swing" ...

   jQuery,Code snippet     2013-07-13 00:11:10