Some tricks on PHP session

1. Session timeout problem There is a nuance we found with session timing out although the user is still active in the session.  The problem has to do with never modifying the session variable. The GC will clear the session data files based on their last modification time.  Thus if you never modify the session, you simply read from it, then the GC will eventually clean up. To prevent this you need to ensure that your session is modified within the GC delete time.  You can accomp...

   PHP,Session,Timeout,Solution,Various domain     2015-03-13 07:05:37

  What can we do about Facebook?

Around 4 years ago, we have posted an article Is Facebook becoming Tencent like? to analyze the strategy Facebook adopted to build its technology empire at that time. Today, we would continue this discussion since the story seems not end there. Facebook is still on the way of copying others. The latest victim being copied is Snapchat where lots of its new features have been copied by Instagram -- an app owned by Facebook. This has helped Instagram acquired lots of active users, especi...

   FACEBOOK,OPINION,SNAPCHAT,NEWS     2017-08-11 10:39:37

  I've moved again

I've surprised myself and made another career change. I had a great time at Google, met lots of interesting people, but I met some folks outside doing something completely outrageous, and after much anguish decided to leave Google.I'm now at a small startup called Liquid Robotics They have a growing fleet of autonomous vehicles that rove the ocean collecting data from a variety of onboard sensors and uploading it to the cloud. The robots have a pile of satellite uplink/GSM/WiMax commun...

   James Gosling,Google,Liquid Robotics,Aut     2011-08-31 08:59:39

  How the Internet Is Ruining Everything

The ongoing argument about whether the Internet is a boon or a bust to civilization usually centers on the Web’s abundance. With so much data and so many voices, we each have knowledge formerly hard-won by decades of specialization. With some new fact or temptation perpetually beckoning, we may be the superficial avatars of an A.D.D. culture.David Weinberger, one of the earliest and most perceptive analysts of the Internet, thinks we are looking at the wrong thing. It is not the co...

   Internet,Everything,Market,Shape world     2011-12-06 09:08:27

  Understanding How is Data Stored in RDBMS

We all know that DBMS (database management system) is used to store (a massive amount of) data. However, have you ever wondered how is data stored in DBMS? In this post, we will focus on data storage in RDBMS, the most traditional relational database systems. Physical Storage Data can be stored in many different kinds of medium or devices, from the fastest but costy registers to the slow but cheap hard drives, or even magnetic tapes. Nowadays, IaaS providers such as AWS...

   RDBMS,DATABASE     2019-02-04 09:25:36

  North Korea Government website costs only $15

Wired reports that the North Korean government is not occlusion as people imagine. Recently, some users found that the North Korean government has an official website in English, URL is The Korean government hopes to launch an official website to carry forward its "ideology".The site design looks very good and fully functional. It has big improvment relative to their news release website Korea News.The report also pointed out that the official website was developed by the Nor...

   Nprth Koreea,Website,Price     2012-04-20 01:43:34

  â€œExperience says it all”- Pentaho ETL Developers’ Comment on the Use of ETL Tools

Since months Pentaho ETL developers have been juggling with three distinct tools- Pentaho DI, SSIS, and PowerShell. Their experience has provided them new perspective on the cons and pros of every tool. In this post, they are sharing their experience with these tools and explain their significance. Before getting started, they first would like to explain ETL in brief and how the tools suits ETL landscape. ETL is Extract Transform Load. Informatica was the initial ETL tool introduced in the mid n...

   Pentaho BI ETL tools     2015-05-13 01:14:57

  Set up Superset on ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. Compared with business-focused BI tool like Tableau, superset is more technology-navy. It supports more types of visualization and able to work in distributed manner to boost the query performance. Most importantly, it is free of charge! An example dashboard: Let’s go and set it up. Create a virtualenv Assume Anaconda is installed for python management. # create a virtualenv with python 3.6 co...

   TUTORIAL,UBUNTU,SUPERSET     2019-10-19 21:34:55

  File upload once again

File upload is one of the oldest operation of web design. After 20 years, it's still has no big change, difficult to handle, lack of interaction and poor user experience. Web developers have thought many methods to improve the experience of uploading file in web apps, they developed various plugins based on different JavaScript libraries. However, because of the difference among different web browsers, there is no common interface which makes these plugins work properly or easily on all web brow...

   Web design, File upload, Asynchronous,HTML5     2012-09-02 11:52:21

  Top 7 programmers bad habits

1.- The all code is crap, except mine, attitude. I have bad news for you buddy, all code is crap. No matter how much effort you put on it, there is always a majority of programmers who are going to think that your code sucks and that they could have done it 10 times better. I have already covered this topic in previous posts, you can find more information of what exactly I mean when I say that all the code is crap here and here. How to fix it: Don’t criticise others people code, it ...

   programming,habit,tips     2011-06-07 00:36:22