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  Using MemoryMappedBuffer to handle large file in Java

When handling large files, it will largely affect the process speed while using traditional FileInputStream, FileOutputStream or RandomAccessFile since they trigger lots of read and write operations. In Java NIO, a new way of handling large file is introduced which is to use MmeoryMappedBuffer to create memory mapped file. Memory-mapped I/O uses the filesystem to establish a virtual memory mapping from user space directly to the applicable filesystem pages. With a memory-mapped file, you can pre...

   JAVA,IO,NIO     2015-11-13 01:58:08

  Products born for Cloud

Cloud computing has become increasingly popularity among companies. It greatly saves the investment of infrastructure and training with everything is running on cloud, it also improves the accessibility and flexibility of service provided by companies. With its popularity, many products are born or becoming popular to help build and move the apps to the cloud. Some well known names of these products are Vagrant, Docker/LXC, Chef and OpenStack. These tools can help create, test and deploy applica...

   Cloud,Openstack,Docker,Vargrant,LXC,Chef     2015-01-25 02:27:11

  Google CEO Sundar Pichai : Google is open to return to China

At the Code Conference on Wednesday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed his thought on Google's position in China. He expressed the openness of Google to return to China. "Google is in China....But Google Search is not there in China...But personally for me, I care about serving users globally in every corner. I always thought Google is for everyone, that applies to China, too. So wherever possible, we want to be in China to serve Chinese users....If we do it in a right and thoug...


  What to Know About Windows 11

Windows 11 launched in October, with Microsoft bringing some changes to the operating system. It was the first name change in six years, and the rollout began on October 5. The rollout is being phased on eligible devices.  You can download it if you don’t want to wait for it to be your device’s turn.  Some businesses are opting to defer upgrades to Windows 11, as are some individuals. Others are excited to take advantage. The following are some things to know about impleme...

   MICROSOFT,WINDOWS 11     2021-12-06 10:41:04

  You know what UTF-8 is when you see it?

When we are coding we may often see some encoding specifications in our source codes such as UTF-8,GB2312. Do you know what these encoding mean and why we need them? In this post, Julián Solórzano will introduce the most widely used encoding specification around the world accomodating all different character sets in the world. UTF-8 is a method for encoding Unicode characters using 8-bit sequences. Unicode is a standard for representing a great variety of characters from many ...

   UTF-8,Encoding     2014-04-18 22:13:44

  Samsung loses $12.3 billion in one day

Following the court decision last Friday on Samsung's infringement of Apple's patents, Apple did not stop, they immediately submitted an application to the court to ban some Samsung smartphones, including 8 types of Samsung smartphones sold in United States. Apple listed in detail in the document what patents these phones infringed. These 8 smartphones are: Galaxy S 4G Galaxy S2 (AT&T) Galaxy S2 (Skyrocket) Galaxy S2 (T-Mobile) Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Galaxy S Showcase Droid Charge Galaxy Prevail...

   Samsung,Apple,Patent,Lose     2012-08-27 21:37:24

  World of Father of Ruby

"I am Yukihiro Matsumoto, I believe keyboard can change the world" is a video about Father of Ruby -- Yukihiro Matsumoto. This video introduces us a father, a husband rather than a programmer. Yukihiro Matsumoto shared his understanding about programming in this video. Computer is not quite smart, it cannot understand human languages, so if we want computers to complete jobs we assign to them, then we need something both human beings and computers can understand. That's why we have program...

   Yukihiro Matsumoto     2013-08-30 22:45:26

  One thought about JavaScript exception handle

Due to network, browser and cache issues, the JS executed in production may produce different results from the testing environments. Sometimes they may produce exceptions. Front-end developers may encounter this kind of exceptions frequently. But how to log and use them is seldomly considered by them. Actually, exception handling includes two steps : log and use. 1. Log Regarding to log error, this is relatively convenient, since in each browser, there is one interface called window.onerror. win...

   JaavScript,Log,Exception,Email     2013-03-18 12:50:21

  3 meanings of Stack

We may frequently see stack when we read programming books. But many times we may be confused about the different meanings of it. This term actually has three common meanings. Here we explain the three different meanings of Stack in programming. 1. Data structure The first meaning of Stack defines a method for storing data. Its feature is LIFO9Last In First Out). In this data structure, data are accumulated level by level. The data last put in is added at the top of the stack. When using the dat...

   Stack,Memory,Data structure     2014-02-24 04:56:46

  52.4 million tablet shipments in Q4 globally

IDC released the global tablet shipment report for Q4. The total tablet shipments in Q4 were 52.4 million globally. It set a new record where the shipments increase 75.3 annually and increase 74.3% compared to last quarter which had shipments of 30.1 million. Among all the tablets vendors, Apple iPad's shipments were 22.9 million which ranks the first place among all vendors. It takes 43.6% market share. Samsung has 7.9 million shipments, increased by 264% compared to the same period last year....

   IDC,Tablet, iPad,Android,Kindle,Surface     2013-01-31 02:45:25