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  India: The World's Secret Silicon Valley

You might not know it, but a key cog in the global innovation machine is hiding in plain sight in the world's largest democracyReutersFor many firms, developing new products for consumers around the world is the most visible manifestation of innovation - the "real deal." But many people still see India as a place where other people's ideas are made or executed and not where innovation begins. (After all, you don't hear about an Indian equivalent to Google, iPod or Viagra.) Bu they're wrong. In m...

   Innovation,India,Silicon Valley,GE,Chip,Intel     2011-11-16 08:06:54

  Data governance Challenges and solutions in Apache Hadoop

Do you understand meaning of data governance? This is taken as most critical part of an organization that deals with sensitive data of an enterprise. If organization wanted to know who is accessing their sensitive data and what action has been taken by the viewers then data governance is wonderful solution to consider. In this article, we will discuss on data governance solutions and what are the challenges that are faced by organization during implementation of data governance. We will also dis...


  Alibaba pays all cash to acquire Youku Tudou

Alibaba announced that it had signed the agreement to acquire "China's YouTube" YouKu Tudou on November 6 Beijing Time. This deal will make Alibaba the leading entertainment and media company in China. The highlight of this deal is that Alibaba will pay all cash. When this acquisition is completed, shareholders from Youku Tudou can get cash with $27.60 per ADS. The board has approved this acquisition and they are asking the shareholders to vote to approve this deal. This deal is expected to be ...

   CHINA,ALIBABA,YOUKU,NEWS     2015-11-06 20:26:31

  Maintain multiple versions of Go in one single environment

In a development environment, there might be multiple projects going on at the same time and they may require different development environments with different versions of build tool. In many programming languages, it is possible to have multiple versions of different build tool or development tool on a single environment. For example, there can be multiple JDKs, multiple versions of Ruby using RVM. For GoLang, there is a similar tool called GVM which can also be used to maintain multiple versio...

   GOLANG,GVM,GVM PKGSET,RVM     2019-11-10 00:43:47

  5 things my 4-year-old taught me about technology

One of the great things about being a parent is that you get to see how kids use technology. I have a 4 year-old daughter who loves to mess around with my phone, watch videos on YouTube and play Angry Birds.It’s fun to watch her interact with these things, not only because she’s already better at some of the games than me. The really interesting stuff happens when stuff doesn’t work the way she expects it to, or when she finds ways to use tech that I hadn’t thought of...

   Learning,Children,Siri,Voice,Tech,Course     2011-10-26 07:07:48

  Selling Yourself: Why? and How!

I know many good developers who are under the impression that they either don’t have to sell themselves, or selling themselves is wrong, but is that really true?First let me clarify by defining what I mean by “selling yourself”. I don’t mean “selling out”, I mean marketing yourself, what you’re doing and what your skills are. Especially to your organization.I don’t need to sell myself, my code speaks for itself.Really? Do you think your pristin...

   Sell,Developer,Skill,Show,Resume,CV     2011-08-10 03:19:34

  Mastering a New Programming Language: A Professional Guide

Introduction Learning a new programming language can seem daunting, but with the right approach, anyone can become proficient in a new language. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering a new language can open up new opportunities in your career and enable you to tackle new and exciting programming challenges. In this guide, we'll provide you with a step-by-step process for mastering a new programming language. Step 1: Choose a Language and Set Goals The first step in ma...

   PROGRAMMING,GUIDE,TIPS     2023-04-22 02:52:00

  Big Corporate Layoffs Hit Shenzhen IT Manufacturing Business

At 11:00 on March 29, 3 employees were ready to jump from Shenzhen Foxconn's longhua building G14. According to witnesses, those 3 employees were negotiating with company regarding the “Foxconn diversion plan”. Liu Kun, Foxconn public speaker, told reporters that many employees are working negatively to resist this plan, but Foxconn does not agree or support their actions in this way. " Company like Foxconn with large-scale labor-intensive manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen, is f...

   Layoff,Career,China     2013-04-01 06:44:43

  Twitter user database is hacked

According to Sina Tech, One hacker from Islamic Republic of Mauritania claimed today that he had acquired Twitter's entire user database and he shared over 15000 user account information on file sharing website Zippyshare.These information include the name of each account on Twitter, username and access tokens of third-party applications which have access to their Twitter accounts(such as Instagram or HootSuite).Twitter has yet to comment on the matter, but the company sent messages urging ...

   Twitter,Hacker,Access token     2013-08-20 10:49:44

  Chrome overtakes IE as the No.1 browser

According to data from market research company StartCounter, by May 2012, Chrome has overtakes IE as the No. 1 web browser globally. Firefox and Safari is following IE to be 3rd and 4th most popular web browser.In May, market share of Chrome is 33%, while IE only gets 32%. Firefox is slowly dropping, which has a share of 25%.  However, with release date of Windows 8 approaching, IE 10 will also be shipped with Win8, at that time, the number of users who use IE may increase because according...

   Chrome,No.1,IE,StatCounter     2012-05-21 06:03:04