How Chinese tech websites survive

As a tech site which aims to share knowledge and experience, content is its core value. To attract readers, it needs to produce valuable content and keep the originality of the content. When an article is published on a site, it should be a copyrighted property of that site or the original author while others should be very careful when considering to copy that article to their own site. They should generally avoid to copying the whole content of the article. However, in reality, this is no...

   WEBSITE,COPYRIGHT,CHINESE     2017-08-08 21:54:32

  Fix issue "cannot load such file -- bcrypt_ext (LoadError)"

bcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project for hashing passwords. The bcrypt Ruby gem provides a simple wrapper for safely handling passwords. However, sometimes the rails application would fail to start after installing the bcrypt gem on Windows. The error would look similar to below. The issue is that it fails to load the bcrypt_ext which is the native built extension, the reason may be the library is wrongly built. To fix this issue, below steps can...


  Some useful code editors for developers

A good code editor will save developers much work. It can help developers find syntax errors easily through code highlight capability. It also makes the code more readable and maintainable through the indentation. Here we recommend some excellent code editors which you may want to have a try. Compilr Compilr is an online IDE, it supports 8 languages as of now including : C, C++,C#,Java,JavaScript,PHP ,Python,Ruby and Visual Basic. Compilr is developed by Ninjia Otter Inc in Canada. CodeMirrow C...

   Code editor,Code highlight     2013-03-20 12:25:13

  Google launches Google Keep

According to Tencent Tech, Google announced the launch of Google Keep on Wednesday This is a note application similar to Evernote, its philosophy is to help you save everything you want to remember, including text and images and other notes, they can be instantly synchronized among different devices so that users can get the information they want at any time. This is a free service, it provides support for Web and Android 4.0 or later devices, users can navigate to or downl...

   Google Keep,Evernote,Synchronization     2013-03-21 13:00:02

  Web design trends for 2014

Now, it's age of web, many resource and manpower have been invested in web to extend and enhance the capability of web. Every year there are new web designs and technologies emerging. In recent years, with the popularity of handhold devices such as smart phones and smart devices like iPads,Surface, responsive design is becoming a requirement, also we can find flat design in many places. The web design trend is changing dramatically. Many people may wonder what's the web design trend in 2014? Jow...

   web design,trend,2014     2014-06-01 08:27:35

  Pagination or continuous scrolling? It's a question

No matter in web page or mobile applications, information often can not be displayed on one page all alone, there needs some interactive modes which can expand page information: Pagination and Continuous Scrolling are very common interactive modes. Every day we may see them, they are so common that we do not even feel their presence, when browsing to the bottom of the page, we will see it. But it's difficult to choose which mode to use in design. Here we have a discussion on these two modes. Pag...

   Pagination,Continuous scrolling,Design     2012-09-12 19:55:51

  Tim Cook : 100 million iPads are change people's life

In today's Apple conference, Tim Cook revealed a number Apple achieved two weeks ago, Apple iPad is sold 100 million units in past 2.5 years. Moreover, the iPad brings network traffic of 91% among all network traffic in tablet PC market. In 2.5 years, Apple's iPad series have 3 members: the iPad, iPad 2 and the New iPad. Cook said the iPad's mission is to make things originally complex and confusing simpler so that even the the general children or the elderly can complete. Indeed, the iPad is ...

   iPad, Market,Surface     2012-10-23 14:48:13

  China has 591 million netizens now

CNNIC(China Internet Network Information Center() released its 32nd research report on Internet usage in China on July 17 Beijing Time. According to the report, China has 591 million netizens until June 2013, among them 464 million are phone Internet users. Chinese netizens surf the Internet 21.7 hours a week. The report shows that China's netizens reached 591 million as of the end of June 2013,  an increase of 26.56 million people compared to the end of 2012. Internet coverage rate is 44...

   CNNICInternet usage     2013-07-18 02:27:52

  Browser market share in June

Recently, the Internet research firm Net Application announced the browser market share report in June, IE's global market share grows to 56.15% in June from 55.99% in May, an increase of 0.16%. However, Firefox drops by 1.48%, its market share is 19.15% in May. Chrome grow by 1.43% to 17.17% in June. Meanwhile, Safari increases by 0.09% to 5.55%, Opera drops 0.19% to 1.58%. For different versions of IE browsers, IE10's global market share is 13.52%, monthly market share increases by 4.26% in J...

   Browser market share,June 2013,Chrome     2013-07-02 03:20:08

  Free jQuery UI themes

jQuery UI is a jQuery User Interface library, it provides many frequently used components and functions. It consists of datepicker, slider, progress bar and drag and drop support etc. Also it has many themes, you can use ThemeRoller to customize your own theme. But with ThemeRoller, we can still find the shadow of jQuery UI. If you want some highly customized, free and high quality jQuery themes such as Bootstrap, Windows-Metro, then the following themes may suit you. 1. jQuery UI Bootstrap jQu...

   jQuery UI, Theme     2012-10-20 10:59:20