Different types of keystore in Java -- JKS

JKS is Java Keystore, a proprietary keystore type designed for Java. It can be used to store private keys and certificates used for SSL communication, it cannot store secret keys however. The keytool shipped with JDKs cannot extract private keys stored on JKS. This type of keystore usually has an extension of jks. Next we will show how to operate the JKS keystore with pure Java code. Create JKS keystore The simplest method to create a JKS keystore to create an empty keystore. We can first get an...

   DEMO,EXAMPLE,KEYSTORE,JKS     2014-09-05 20:21:51

  How to choose a jQuery plug-in?

jQuery plug-in provides a good way to save time and simplify the development, programmers don't need to write each component from scratch. However, the plug-in will also be a destabilizing factor in your code library. A plug-in saves countless development time, but a poor quality plug-in will cost more than the actual time to write your own component from scratch. Luckily, usually you have many pls to choose from, but even if you have only one plug-in, you also need to know whether it's worth us...

   jQuery, plug-in     2012-10-27 03:51:40

  Write high quality JavaScript and CSS with SublimeLinter

SublimeLinter is a plugin for one of the front end editor--Sublime Text, it is used to highlight those syntax not conforming to standard or wrong, it supports JavaScript,CSS,HTML,Java,PHP,Python,Ruby and some more.This article will introduce how to configure SublimeLinter in Windows to validate JavaScript and CSS codes. Preparation Install Sublime Text package control tool : Install SublimeLinter with Sublime Text package control tool :https://gi...

   SublimeLinter,Sublime Text,Validation     2013-06-14 23:24:51

  Oracle CEO Mark Hurd : IBM PureSystem is far behind Oracle

Oracle CEO Mark Hurd had an interview with Chinese media in San Francisco on 19th April. Mark Hurd first introduced different levels of Oracle's overall strategy: 1) the product must achieve best among similar products; 2) system open, vertical integration to provide customers with maximum performance; 3) Industry specific solutions; 4) give users the right to choose and the integration of the cloud environment (private cloud, public cloud, mixed cloud). In addition, Mark Hurd share his own...

   Oracle,IBM,Pureystem,Hardware/Software     2012-04-19 07:17:24

  Understanding PGO in GoLang 1.20

Background The Go 1.20 version was officially released in February 2023, it introduced the PGO(Profile Guided Optimization) mechanism. The basic principle of PGO can be divided into the following two steps: First, profiling is performed on the program to collect data about the program's runtime and generate a profiling file. When compiling the program, enable the PGO option, and the compiler will optimize the program's performance based on the content in the .pgo file. When compiling a program...

   GO 1.20,PGO,GOLANG     2023-02-28 04:27:46

  Remote execute command in Java example

Frequently there is a need to logon to a remote system and run some commands or programs to get the output, many software can serve this purpose such as putty and gitshell.These software usually provide secure access to the remote system. But have you ever wondered what to do if you need to run commands on many different systems at the same time and get all these results back at a single place? Especially in big data era, many tasks may run on different distributed systems and you want o have a ...

   JSch, Example, Distributed system, SSH2     2014-12-12 03:20:19

  JavaScript interview questions

This post will cover the JavaScript questions I have encountered and have seen during my programming career. They will mainly focus on vanilla JavaScript though there are lots of excellent frameworks out there and many people are using them in their daily work. this keyword this keyword is an very important but easy to confuse concept in JavaScript since it is always referring to the calling object of the function. 1. What will be the output of below code snippet? function User(name) { this....

   JAVASCRIPT,ALGORITHM,THIS,CLOSURE     2019-03-09 07:05:46

  Top 7 M-Commerce Trends to Pay Attention in 2018

Ever since eCommerce came to mobile, new technologies have been providing an advanced shopping experience to the users. Every year new concepts are introducing in the industry to improve the ways users are shopping through smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Pieces of evidence advocate that more than 80% of buyers prefer using smartphones than computers to search products, compare prices and, locate stores. According to Statista, m-commerce revenue is forecasted to reach $669 b...


  Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart

If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] }); }); You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a contex...


  Ruby net-scp cannot scp multiple files with asterisk(*)

net-ssh/net-scp is a Ruby gem which can be used to scp files between different *nix machines. It's similar to how the *nix scp command. It can be used to scp a file or a directory. However, it seems it has some problem to scp multiple files using pattern *. For example, below script is supposed to download all files from remote directory to local directory: require 'net/scp' host = 'testmachine' login = 'testaccount' password = "testpassword" remote_path = '/tmp/remote...

   NET-SCP,RUBY,ASTERISK,MULTIPLE FILES     2016-10-20 03:00:13