All I Know About Certificates -- Clients

 Finally, in last article we’ve covered the responsibilities of CAs, showing that being a CA isn’t simple and has high management costs, explaining why issuing certificates costs money! This article we will cover the client in this chain. Verifying Certificates as a Client For clients, verifying certificates isn’t simple either. Articles introducing TLS handshakes often mention "the server sends back a certificate, and the client verifies it," but in reality, as ...


  Best Rich Text Editors ready to use in web projects

This post illustrates five interesting rich text editors ready to use in your web projects. I also provided some guidelines regarding how to implement them on your pages using a few lines of HTML code. Try them!1. Yahoo! UI Library: Rich Text EditorThe Yahoo! Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea and is based on Yahoo! UI Library; it allows for the rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments like lists, formatting treatments like...

   RTE,Example,Project,Open Source,Best,Sim     2011-07-27 10:57:33

  Software philosophy: Release early, release often vs polished releases

Release early, release often is a philosophy where you release the product as soon as possible and rapidly iterate it to perfection by listening to your customers. A polished release, on the other hand is where your product, in its initial version is solid, lacks obvious bugs and has just enough features to satisfy a majority of your consumers. Most software companies adopt either one of this and that choice is not superficial. In fact, it roots down to the heart of the company’s i...

   Design philosophy,Release early,Release often,Polished relaese     2011-11-28 09:22:17

  My secret Hobby: Applying for jobs

I have a probably unusual habit: I'm applying for jobs as programmer at least once a year. It 's not that I don't have a job, or that I don't like what I do, but since I am self employed and running my own company I have the feeling that I am coming out of touch of what the current job market is like, and so I started to apply for jobs at different companies once in a while. Just to keep in mind how this is like and for the fun of it.I think this is also a good training should I need to be emplo...

   IT,Career,Hobby,Job,How to     2011-08-26 02:41:47

  Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs – Check them Out Here

We are in the digital era, and today, starting a business seems to be easier than ever before. With a smart device and a reliable internet connection, you are almost halfway to becoming a business owner. The main challenge, however, comes in identifying a good business opportunity to venture in, especially considering the high competition in nearly all sectors. Today, nearly everything is done online, and you can take advantage of this to sell your products or services. The best part about onlin...

   BUSINESS     2020-05-13 11:25:28

  10 Web Design Elements that You Shouldn’t Overlook

When it comes to designing and building websites, it never seems to happen fast enough.Given this fast pace, many small details that are eventually required to build the website are often left out of the design process. While these details might be minor, they are what take a website from nice to truly awesome.These details are often easy to miss because they don’t drive the overall look and feel of the website. The problem is that as your development team works through the design, it wil...

   Web design,Verification,jQuery     2011-03-30 00:09:49

  Battlelog: Modern Web Applications are Here

It's the shooter season of the year and this fall was all about Modern Warfare 3 versus Battlefield 3. And being the kind of game they are they also try to keep their audience playing by introducing some additional level of engagement. Both Call of Duty and Battlefield introduced their own online community websites and statistic platforms. Call of Duty has Elite, Battlefield has Battelog.But just because these services are sitting in the same spot it does not mean they are in any way similar. An...

   Game,Call of duty,Elite,Battlelog,Web platform     2011-11-15 08:11:40

  Path gets another $40miliion investment

Social network website Path may officially announce today that it has completed its funding round B. According to sources, Red Point led this round of  funding of $ 40 million. In addition,  Path's market value is estimated about $ 250 million.Path was established in November 2010, there are currently over 2 million registered users. The company's slogan "Path to help you easily share with friends Life". Path call themselves "private social network" because Path is based on e-mail addr...

   Path,Social network,Funding round     2012-04-17 06:50:10

  Importance of Side Projects

Side projects are important for a few reasons. Programming is a creative process. Side projects allow programming without deadlines or restraints. Side projects allow programming in an exploratory way. Explore new technologies Every day there are more and more bleeding edge technologies coming out. A side project is a great place to try them out. There’s no reason to worry about bugs or performance issues because it’s just a side project. You’re not depending on the ...

   Side project,Creative idea,Dealine,Scratch,Launch     2011-11-28 03:17:22

  Why do so many technical recruiters suck?

It’s Tuesday, I get a call from an unknown number.  There is a little hesitation, but I finally pick it up.  My number is listed on my business card and I feel like I should get these calls unless I am in a meeting.- Hi, is this Mike?- Yes, speaking….- Hi Mike!  How are you today?- Fine…- I am calling from XYZ Co, and we deal with recruiting and staff augmentation.  I was wondering if you are looking for software developers.We are in San Francisco and itââ...

   Recruitment,HR,Sucks,Tech recruiter     2011-11-13 08:22:02