Google CEO : Facebook holds its users hostage

  Peter        2012-05-23 05:58:07       3,986        0         

Google CEO Larry Page claimed in a media interview recently that it’s unfortunate that Facebook has been pretty closed with their data while Google is in the business of searching data

Page has been attacking Facebook ban on the search engine to search its data. In fact, the battle between the two sides has been going on for several years, and in June 2011 Google launched its social networking service Google+ which somehow further exacerbated the tension. On Monday, Page, in an interview with Charlie Rose expressed his concerns on Facebook once again.

Page said in the interview : "I think it’s unfortunate that Facebook has been pretty closed with their data. And I think we would certainly — you know, we’re in the business of searching data. We don’t generally turn it down when it’s offered to us. In general, I think we like to see content on the internet being made more open and so on. "

Page claimed in the interview that Facebook holds users hostage, and they have some reasons for it that don’t make sense, but they hold their users’ data.

He also said : " From a user’s perspective, you say, ‘Oh, it’s great. I’m joining Facebook. I want my contacts.’ And we said, fine, you can get them from Google. And the issue we had is that then Facebook said, ‘No, Google, you can’t do the reverse.’ And we said, users don’t understand what they’re doing. They’re putting data in, and they don’t understand they can’t take it out. So we said we’ll only participate with people that have reciprocity. And we’re still waiting."

Page said that Facebook did not allow Google to search its data because they claimed they  wanted to protect users privacy data. However, he said that Facebook allowed Yahoo to search results from Facebook, so Facebook's so-called protection only against Google

Last week, Amit Singhal, the head of Google's core ranking team, said : " The problem is that if someone wants to get information, then we need to build the website which users are satisfied with based on their needs".

Searchblog's author John Battelle analyzed the battle about data sharing between Google and Facebook and some negotiations between these two companies in 2009. He said : "It’s one thing to ask that Google not use Facebook’s own social graph and private data to build new social services – after all, the social graph is Facebook’s crown jewels. But it’s quite another thing to ask Google to ignore other public information completely."

Google thinks that Facebook is destroying future product and service Google may build. Somehow what Facebook does is a self-protection procedure, it can prevent Google from being its great competitor, at least not a competitor which can get public information from Facebook.

To watch the full interview, please go to :

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