Alphabet chooses the domain extension .xyz

  sonic0002        2015-08-10 20:18:33       5,203        0         

Google has been restructured and it now has a parent company which is called Alphabet. This new company will fully own the original "Google". Larry Page will be the CEO of Alphabet and Sergey Brin will be the president of the new company. Sundar Pichai will be the new CEO of the new Google.

The new Google will continue its current business with some slimmed changes. While Alphabet will focus on working on the next generation of Internet and creating more billion user companies and services.  These new services include but not limited to web, life science, space, automobile etc.

The reason why Alphabet is chosen for the new company is as described by Larry Page :

We liked the name Alphabet because it means a collection of letters that represent language, one of humanity's most important innovations, and is the core of how we index with Google search! We also like that it means alpha-bet (Alpha is investment return above benchmark), which we strive for!

When we log into the new website of Alphabet, we noticed that the domain name is Interestingly it uses the .xyz domain extension. .xyz domain is a new generation of domain extension for the next generation of Internet. It combines generation X, Y and Z to create a global community inspired by the Internet and its limitless potential.

A few features of this .xyz domain extension are:

  • .xyz is a bold, fresh choice for users who crave creativity and versatility in a domain name.
  • .xyz is short and memorable without the limitations of a label or language barrier - so you can focus on connecting with your audience anywhere in the world.
  • Whether you’re an independent blogger, startup or big business, you can finally have the website you’ve always wanted with a .XYZ domain name.

.xyz is instinctive,  natural and makes sense. Anyone can use .XYZ for any purpose. It’s for users who value affordability and recognition first without sacrificing flexibility. Alphabet ends the alphabet with XYZ with the same reason. As emphasized by Larry Page, Alphabet wants to catch up with the revolutionary ideas driving next big growth areas, they have to step out of the comfort zone and embrace the new changes  

This domain extension was firstly launched back in June 2014 and there are over 915,000 .xyz domain registrations as of May 2015. It's still keep a high growth rate. Especially with Alphabet choosing this extension, there will be a new round of .xyz extension registration expected in the near future.





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