SameSite attribute in cookie

Starting from Chrome 51, a new attribute SameSite has been introduced for browser cookie. This attribute is to prevent CSRF attack. Cookie is normally used to store data exchanged between client and server. It frequently stores user login information. If a malicious website can forge a HTTP request with the valid third party website cookie, it may be called a CSRF attack. For example, if a user logins to a bank website, the bank server responds a cookie: Set-Cookie:id=a3fWa; L...


  The future of IT will be reduced to three kinds of jobs

Takeaway: The IT profession and the IT job market are in the midst of seismic changes that are going to shift the focus to three types of jobs. There’s a general anxiety that has settled over much of the IT profession in recent years. It’s a stark contrast to the situation just over a decade ago. At the end of the 1990s, IT pros were the belles of the ball. The IT labor shortage regularly made headlines and IT pros were able to command excellent salar...

   IT,Potential,Consultant,Developer,Projec     2011-07-27 08:46:59

  An experience on fixing HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error

This post is about an experience of mine on fixing a HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error seen on one of my page. Just got back from a business trip and opened my computer as usual to start to monitor my website statistics. But when I opened the page on showing real time page views, it shows nothing but zero. So I pressed F12 to bring up the developer tool to check on what's going on. The logic of loading the real time page view is backed by AJAX call. In the developer tool console, I see that the rAJA...

   PHP,AJAX,HTML,HTTP 406,CONTENT-TYPE     2019-03-30 04:09:10

  Secret Symphony: The Ultimate Guide to Readable Web Typography

Right now, there’s a mathematical symphony happening on your website.Every single one of your readers is subconsciously aware of this symphony, and more important, they are all pre-programmed to respond to it in a particular way.The question is this:Is your site’s symphony pleasing and inviting to your readers, or does it turn them off and make it harder to communicate with them? The Mathematical Symphony of TypographyAs it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You...

   Web design,Typography,Math,Golden rule     2011-12-23 07:48:10

  Creating a PHP 5 Extension with Visual C++ 2005

This article describes the steps to create a custom PHP extension DLL for the Windows platform. The Zend API documentation that comes with PHP 5 on Windows (see php_manual_en.chm) does a good job explaining how to write extension methods, parse method parameters, and return values. But there is not currently a good step-by-step tutorial on how to get your first extension project up and running on Windows. The aim of this article is to fill that gap. Prerequisites Visual Studio 2005 You can...

   PHP,Extension,Writing,Windows,Step by st     2011-07-23 01:56:53

  Latest PHP patch cannot fix the bug

On Wednesday(2012-05-02), a remote code execution vulnerability in PHP was accidentally exposed to the Web, prompting fears that it may be used to target vulnerable websites on a massive scale. The bug itself was traced back to 2004, and came to light during a recent CTF competition.A CERT advisory on the flaw explains: “When PHP is used in a CGI-based setup (such as Apache's mod_cgid), the php-cgi receives a processed query string parameter as command line arguments which allows com...

   PHP,bug,patch,bypassed     2012-05-08 11:20:56

  The faster-than-fast Fourier transform

The Fourier transform is one of the most fundamental concepts in the information sciences. It’s a method for representing an irregular signal — such as the voltage fluctuations in the wire that connects an MP3 player to a loudspeaker — as a combination of pure frequencies. It’s universal in signal processing, but it can also be used to compress image and audio files, solve differential equations and price stock options, among other things.The reason the Fourier...

   FFT,Fast fourier transform,MIT,Compression     2012-01-19 09:59:09

  Creating Dynamic PDF files using HTML and PHP

There always arise a need for converting content from one file format to another one. Some may need to convert some text into HTML and some may need to convert some HTML content to an image format. The main reason for the need to convert from one file format to another is because the target file format is best suited for targeted medium where the content need to be displayed. The targeted medium may be an email, a printed hard copy or a web browser. The text format is best suited for sending ema...

   PHP,HTML,PDF,Conversion,Generate,Library     2011-11-18 12:10:53

  Using Angular 2 with Asp.Net MVC/Asp.Net Core development professionals bring this post to explain the use of Angular 2 with MVC/ Core. You will read the overview of Angular 2 and Core at first in this post. Read the article to find how experts use Angular 2 with MVC / Core. Angular 2 Overview Angular 2 is the upcoming version of MV framework used for creating high level applications in browser. It contains everything needed to create a complex mobile or web apps from a variety of templates. Angular team recently re...

   ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT,ANGULAR 2, ASP.NET MVC     2016-10-29 05:15:06

  Cybersecurity | The New Dangers That Lurk Online and Their Solutions

(Image source: Pexels) Data is one of the most important things to us. While robbers that steal valuables like laptops, phones, or money are still a threat, cybercrimes are also more dangerous than ever. That’s because your data is far more valuable than you might think. Companies benefit from users’ data by applying it for their indexing, marketing, and accumulation needs. They actively use this information to sell you more products. Have you ever visited Amazon and instantly got a ...

   DATA SECURITY,VPN     2020-04-23 06:47:37