SEARCH KEYWORD -- Google voice

  â€œNative vs Web” Is Total Bullshit

The web is dead. HTML5 is the be-all end-all of the future. Users are spending more time on apps and less time on the web. You can do anything on the web that you can in a native app. Yawn. Here’s how I feel whenever I hear/read anything about the overplayed “Native Versus Web” argument: It’s not an either-or decision Why aren’t we still arguing over “Print vs Digital”? Well, because (most) people understand that each medium has its place in thi...

   Web app,Native app,Comparison     2012-02-24 05:30:03

  The Giant Mafia

There is an old Chinese saying "Things of a kind come together. People of a mind fall into the same group.". In the wave of Web 2.0, there are many emerging IT giants coming out the world. And many of them are founded by a group of people who previously worked together at the same company such as PayPal and Facebook. This is called giant mafia. Let's see what people from the big IT giant have done after leaving the original company. The PayPal mafia Peter Thiel, co-founder and CEO of PayPal bef...

   Facebook mafia,PayPal mafia,Twitter mafia     2015-04-04 10:32:00

  What drives the popularity of Node.js?

JavaScript is a programming language which can be used on both front end and back end. Its popularity should mainly be attributed to its power in front end side. While people seem not realize its power in back end until the appearance of Node.js.  Node.js is a server-side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous...

   Node.ks,Popularity,NPM     2013-07-24 01:22:58

  TIOBE : C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language

TIOBE has released the Programming Community Index for April 2012. The highlight of this month is that C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language again. C language is liked by more and more developers of all ages. Due to the growing popularity of the Android platform, Java decline will not be obvious. Previously Java took a very long time to overtake C, now C once again returns to the throne. The battle between these two languages will continue.The top three are respectively, C, Jav...

   C.TIOBE,Java     2012-04-09 07:01:20

  11 CSS Button Solutions

BonBon ButtonsZardiCSS3 Buttons With Simple MarkupFancy Buttons10 Nice CSS3 ButtonsCSS3 Animated Bubble ButtonsSuper Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBAPretty CSS3 ButtonsGitHub-Style CSS3 ButtonsWe Love ButtonsSexy ButtonsRealistic CSS3 ButtonsSource:

   CSS,Button,Style,Solution     2011-05-14 01:29:10

  A handbook on the first day of joining a new internet company as BE engineer

When joining a new internet company, there might be lots of things need to be done to get ready for taking new challenges. These include both culture and tech preparation. in this post, we would focus on how to prepare the first day technically. The first thing to do is to get your laptop or your work machine up, these involves lots of tool setup and accesses. Normally there are three major task categories. Access As an engineer, there are lots of accesses needed to access different resources wi...

   TIPS,CAREER ADVICE,ONBOARDING     2021-12-11 21:32:10

  Australian software engineer got asked algorithm question when entering US

The whole world knows that security and background checks get tighten for people to enter US since Donald Trump took office. But have you ever heard about getting algorithm question asked during the immigration check interview while entering United States? Recently an Australian software engineer David Thornton had such an experience when he tried to enter US. (Image from David is a software engineer from Sydney and he is a 24-year-old studied computer sci...

   NEWS,DONALD TRUMP,UNITED STATES     2017-03-04 12:07:54

  Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers

Did you know that we have a nice collection of puzzles here on less than dot? Some are harder than others so there is something for everyone. You can pic any language you want, you will see that there are solutions in Ruby, Python, Visual Basic, SQL, JavaScript, C++ and other. Here is a partial list of what we have Friday the Thirteenths The goal is to identify all friday the thirteenths for a given timeframe Regular Pentagon Given a grid co-ordinate (x,y) as the centre point of a regu...

   Programming puzzle,Fibonacci,Prime,ASCII     2012-01-04 08:06:18


I'm so tired of passwords. So, so, so tired. Most people don't understand this. Most people use the same password everywhere. Most people can just mechanically type out password3 in every password box, smirking to themselves at how clever they are, because who would ever guess 3 instead of 1? I don't do that. Let me tell you what i do. I generate a different password for every service, based on a convoluted master password and the name of the thing. I do this because it's what you're...

   Security,Password,Random generation,Hard to remember     2011-12-05 11:32:45

  Some thoughts about competitive programming

Many programmers may have experience in participating different kinds of coding competition while they are in college. Many of them are hired by top IT companies for their excellent performance during these kinds of coding competitions. There are some famous competitions organized by IT companies such as Google Code Jam, Facebook hackathons etc. Coding competitions are places where programmers can show their talents in programming and the skills they have. Usually programmers will solve some to...

   Coding,competition     2014-03-02 07:26:21