SEARCH KEYWORD -- Google apps

  Singleton Design Pattern in Java

Singleton is frequently used in applications where resource may be expensive to create and no instance specific state needs to be maintained. For example, when creating database connection, a singleton may be needed. Today we will share the famous Singleton design pattern in Java. 1. Definition Singleton design pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is one of the most well-known design patterns. 2. Application Singleton ...


  5 essential job search tips for web designers

Being a web designer is about many things – an in-depth technical knowledge, a flair for great aesthetics and excellent communication skills. Even if it sounds complex (and perhaps precisely because it does), the job can be immensely rewarding and creatively stimulating. How to break in and go straight for success in this profession? Here are 5 essential tips for getting lots of web design work. 1. Develop technical skills that matter Before you enter the job market, you'll need to have a ...

   job search tips, job seekers, job search     2015-04-17 10:17:19

  What's on your Learning List?

How do you track and decide what topics you want to spend time learning? For a while, I didn’t have a real good solution. Something would trigger me to remember “Oh yeah! I really wanted to learn more about that”. I would spend the evening doing busy learning - it seemed like I was learning but I really wasn’t. Instead of trying to do Deliberate Practice, I’d fool myself into thinking I was investing my time wisely by reading blog posts and examples but no...

   Learning list,Conscious,Study,Programming     2011-12-05 12:44:39

  the Performance Golden Rule

Yesterday I did a workshop at Google Ventures for some of their portfolio companies. I didn’t know how much performance background the audience would have, so I did an overview of everything performance-related starting with my first presentations back in 2007. It was very nostalgic. It has been years since I talked about the best practices from High Performance Web Sites. I reviewed some of those early tips, like Make Fewer HTTP Requests, Add an Expires Header, and Gzip Components. ...

   Web design,Golden rule,Performance     2012-02-17 07:51:09

  Firefox 18 will adopt IonMonkey as its JS compiler

Tendency would be converse after 30 years. The previous famous Firefox is now forced to change its version number frequently becuase of the rise of Chrome. Last month Mozilla released Firefox 15 and  also released news about Firefox 17, And now Firefox 18 is also ready to come out. According to PCWorld, to keep the promise of bring quicker and smoother experience, Mozzila will adopts new JavaScript technology in Firefox 18. The new Firefox with new JavaScript technology will be 26% qu...

   Firefox 18,IonMonkey,JavaScript     2012-09-17 11:50:02

  Android Hardware Buttons are not broken, let me tell you why

This post is written as a reaction on Christoffer Du Rietz’s article The Android Hardware-Buttons Are Broken. In his article Christoffer explains how the Android back button shows inconsistent behavior like doing different actions when it is used on the same screen.In the following article I will try to explain that this behavior is not broken. Instead it is exactly what the Android developers had in mind while designing the back button behavior.The way the back button is broken according...

   Android,Hardware,Button,Protect     2011-11-03 13:38:21

  4 Reasons Why We are NOT in a Post-PC Age

Sales of desktop PCs and laptops are falling. It’s impossible to read any technical media without hearing about the “death of the PC.” And both Apple and Microsoft are soon to release operating systems that seek to merge the features of the computer operating system with those available on tablet devices. All this evidence mounts up to suggest that the Steve Jobs-coined “post PC era” is upon us. Well, I’m going to stick my neck out on this: I donâ€...

   Post PC,Reason,PC     2012-03-26 15:24:46

  Transparency in Cloud Services

37signals recently launched public “Uptime Reports” for their applications (announcement). The reaction on Hacker News was rather tepid, but I think it’s a positive development, and I applaud 37signals for stepping forward. Reliability of cloud applications is a real concern, and there’s not nearly enough hard data out there. Not all products are equally reliable; even within 37signals, the new reports show a 3:1 variation in downtime across apps. That said, ...

   Cloud,Transapency,37signals,Announcement     2012-01-10 07:24:02

  JavaScript is now a necessity

I've long looked at JavaScript as a second-class citizen in the programming world. Early on, it was the source of numerous security problems; it was a nice bit of glue to patch together HTML applications with a bit of styling, but nobody would use it for serious code; and so forth. Java, Ruby, Python, they were the languages for doing real work. But my attitude toward JavaScript has changed completely in the past few years. JavaScript has "grown up." I'm sure there are many JavaScript dev...

   JavaScript,HTML5,Necessary,Client langua     2011-06-24 00:50:14

  Which Type of IT Career is Best For You?

Considering the growth of the information technology job market, a career in IT is an incredibly smart career move.  A career in IT can mean many things – you can become a network administration, website developer, database specialist, programmer or engineer. The job range is vast and can suit various personalities and levels of technical skill. Having a good insight into those job profiles is key to make the right decision about your career path. Here's a selection of some of the mos...

   career,IT,tips     2014-07-30 09:21:40