SEARCH KEYWORD -- Google apps

  Commonly used AJAX frameworks

Have you ever wondered to design your website like desktop applications? Fortunately, with AJAX we can achieve this. By using AJAX, we no need to refresh the whole page when we just want to update a portion of a website such as the weather information or news panel. This makes our web apps look like desktop applications and bring good user experience to our visitors. You can create an XMLHttpRequest object every time when you want to initialize an AJAX call, unfortunately you may need repeat eve...

   AJAX,framework,jQuery,Dojo,YUI     2012-06-27 04:40:05

  Ten things I want Siri to be able to do for me

Now that I've had my iPhone 4S for a couple of days, I'm amazed with what Siri can do. I've asked a number of questions -- real ones, not questions like "What is the meaning of life?" -- and have been totally impressed with how my interaction with the iPhone has changed. But there are more things I'd love to be able to do with Siri, which is the reason for this post.Everyone should understand that Siri is currently a beta product from Apple. A lot of the things I'm talking about here should happ...

   Siri,iPhone 4S,AI,Tweet,Four square,Intelligent agent     2011-10-17 11:24:37

  Steve Jobs attacks Android just for show?

Steve Jobs has a famous statement which says Android is a stolen product. What does Google CEO Larry Page think about this statement? Recently, Page said in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek that Apple hates Android just for show. He believes people should not look only to the competitions, but should focus on the potential cooperation opportunities to make the world better.The following is overview of the interview:Q: When you took over as CEO, one of your goals was to take the cle...

   Steve Jobs,Android,Larry Page     2012-04-08 08:30:33

  Getting the most out of your pixels - adapting to view state changes

In Windows 8, your apps run on a variety of screen sizes and under various view states. A user might have your app snapped to the side of a 25-inch desktop monitor, or fill the whole screen of a 10-inch widescreen tablet. In each case, you want your app to take full advantage of the available space. In this post, I show you how you can track the current size and view state of your app in code, and give you tips on how to write your app in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to handle screen si...

   Windos 8,Metro,Resolution,Style     2012-04-23 06:13:02

  Making Your Tech Conference Presentation, and Experience, Not Suck

Tech conferences are incredibly expensive, and not just in dollars. Even free conferences like BarCamps incur the expense of the attendee’s time. Taking time off from work or family is a hassle at the very least, and it’s time that isn’t billable. The draw of the conference boils down to those 45 minute sessions, and speaker and attendee alike should make the most of it. Speakers often start off by wasting time. They front-load the presentation with worthless informatio...

   Soft skill,Tech presentation,Advice,Highlight     2011-12-20 08:50:00

  Want to be a software engineer? Go to university

This editorial was originally submitted to the Sydney Morning Herald in response to an editorial proclaiming that people wanting to become software engineers should not attend university and instead learn a current popular programming language.   Over the past few years I’ve developed software for large corporations, started the Vodafail campaign, co-founded Mijura and represented Australia in the global Robocup (humanoid robotic soccer) competition. I graduated from University...

   Software engineer,University,Systematic study,Research     2011-12-07 08:48:54

  errGroup in GoLang explained

Today, let's talk about the usage and applicable scenarios of errGroup, which is often used. Why is it useful? Generally, when we use goroutine, we cannot return a value. If you want to pass out the result of the goroutine execution, you usually have to use the channel. The errGroup package is suitable if you want to know when the goroutine you opened encounters an error during execution and stop working, and I need to know the error value. errGroup usage The package needs to be downloaded and i...


  Sending message to Slack Incoming Webhook using PHP

Slack is a popular work collaboration tool and it provides many features which help teams collaborate. It has one function which allows sending messages to channels from external source such as your own web service -- Incoming Webhook. This is extremely useful when want to monitor something and get notified when some event occurs and it doesn't require complicated setup. To send messages using Incoming Webhook, a service URL has to be generated on Slack and then the message can be posted to this...

   PHP,CURL,SLACK,INCOMING WEBHOOK     2017-03-11 21:32:28

  The dystopia from “Blade Runner 2049” to come to mobile phones

Next Games, a Finnish mobile game developer and publisher is working along with Alcon Entertainment for the development of "Blade Runner 2049". The Next Games CEO, Teemu Huuhtanen disclosed the news this month in Electronics Entertainment Expo 2017. Besides displaying only a screenshot, the companies are yet to uncover the details regarding the release date and the title of the game. Alcon Entertainment is busy in the production of movie "Blade Runner 2049", a sequel to the 1982's dys...


  What should Microsoft do after Steve Ballmer steps down?

Steve Ballmer decided to retire from Microsoft within 12 months last week. Where should Microsoft head to and what should they do on their products to maintain their influence.Whether you like or hate Ballmer, and regardless of who will replace him as Microsoft new CEO, his voice became a very important part of different Microsoft conferences, Ballmer said : "We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction."Steve Ballmer is criticized for many things. Under his control, Micros...

   Microsoft,CEO,Trend     2013-08-26 07:33:41