Ensuring Go Interface Implementation: A Quick Guide

  sonic0002        2023-11-25 21:36:01       2,021        0         


Go's simplicity and power shine in its interface system, offering a clean way to define contracts between types. However, when it comes to checking whether a struct satisfies an interface, Go's static typing philosophy means there isn't a direct runtime check. In this concise guide, we'll explore practical methods, including some lesser-known tricks, to verify whether a struct implements an interface.

Method 1: Type Assertion and a Dummy Method

package main

import "fmt"

type MyInterface interface {

type MyStruct struct{}

func (ms MyStruct) MyMethod() {
    fmt.Println("MyMethod implementation")

func main() {
    var myVar interface{} = MyStruct{}
    _, ok := myVar.(MyInterface)
    fmt.Println("Implements MyInterface:", ok)

This method employs type assertion to attempt a cast and check the success with a boolean variable.

Method 2: Reflection

package main

import (

type MyInterface interface {

type MyStruct struct{}

func (ms MyStruct) MyMethod() {
	fmt.Println("MyMethod implementation")

func implementsInterface(i interface{}, ifacePtr interface{}) bool {
	return reflect.TypeOf(i).Implements(reflect.TypeOf(ifacePtr).Elem())

func main() {
	var myVar MyStruct

	fmt.Println("Implements MyInterface:", implementsInterface(myVar, (*MyInterface)(nil)))

Reflection allows checking if a type implements an interface by comparing type information.

Method 3: Embedding Interfaces

package main

import (

type MyInterface interface {

type MyStruct struct{}

func (ms MyStruct) MyMethod() {
	fmt.Println("MyMethod implementation")

func implementsInterface(i interface{}, ifacePtr interface{}) bool {
	return reflect.TypeOf(i).Implements(reflect.TypeOf(ifacePtr).Elem())

func main() {
	var myVar MyStruct

	fmt.Println("Implements MyInterface:", implementsInterface(myVar, (*MyInterface)(nil)))

By embedding the interface, we can use a type assertion to check for direct or embedded implementation.

Compile-time Check with guru

For a robust compile-time check, leverage the golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru tool:

go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru
guru implements MyInterface ./...

This tool performs a static analysis to check if a type implements an interface across the entire codebase.


While Go's design philosophy favors compile-time checks, these runtime and tooling techniques provide practical solutions to check interface implementations. Choose the method that aligns with your project's needs and coding style.





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