Design Trends That Can Help You Boost Ecommerce Sales

  kairaclark        2016-02-22 23:58:18       2,317        0         

Since the beginning of 2016, a considerable growth in the eCommerce sector has been experienced across the globe. There are certain trends that were accepted globally but as liking, preferences and monetary conditions of people vary from region to region, we can say that different places have their own trends when it comes to Ecommerce software solutions. In this blog we have brought to you some of the most significant eCommerce design trends that are lingering around the development world. 


# Flexible U.S. Market

As per a prediction by e-Marketer,  the U.S. market,  22% of the total e-commerce sales will be because of the mobile device and mobile also tends create an impact of 1 trillion  transactions. This is the influence that  transcends far from the stereotypical way of working. 


Shoppers count on it  for going through products, finding locations and checking their stock using mobile device before buying a product online. The availability of this data buyers tends to increase the expectation of the users who and they start comparing the experience delivered in mobile and brick and mortar shops.

It was seen that 80% of people that took the survey conducted by e-Marketer  asserted  they look for stock availability using their mobile actually checking out a physical store. Along with that a considerable half of the population asserted that they prefer online  ordering or booking a product using their mobile device going on a physical store to pick it up. This clearly states that these people require more flexibility which they cannot get on the traditional method. 


# Mexico's shopping Trend


There has been a considerable growth of 50%, 32%, and 30% in 2013 to 2015 in each year in the Mexican eCommerce market.  Despite of this luxuriant growth we can see that the market  it only comprises of  1.5% of the retail sector of the country.  Irrespective of the size of its market, there can be seen quite happening trends that are rising in the market. 


# North Americans need supple shopping 

Though the size of the market and the growth rate vary in the e-commerce markets in the all the states of North America, but the design  trends have surpassed the borders as well as the cultural differences. 

We have seen that across all the platforms, mobile devices have considerably changed the way that people can shop. No matter if a company is based on e-commerce or might be on omnichannel approach, users now use mobile devices as  well as other hand held gadgets such as tablets to shop online or look for any other things. 

North America buyers seek their online purchases to be quite supple especially while making payments and receiving the products. Online retailers need to cater these needs of the customers otherwise there stands a chance they might loose them.


European Shoppers believe in comparing

This is no startling fact that e-commerce has seen a drastic coverage  in European country as well, but something that is surprising us is the considerable percentage of people that count on online. Europe accounts to the quarter of the total Internet users of the whole world, moreover the number of users have now swollen to 275% since the inception of this century. Moreover, when it comes to U.K., there is a considerable surge in the number of Internet users and consequently the sales have also gone up by 20%.


As per analytics report shoppers of  U.K. and France, wish to get a comparative analysis and they want it so much that it is one of the most required factor. Wherein, when it comes to Germany and Spain, shoppers are looking for quick and easy checkout process. 

Moreover it has been considerably seen that there are  ample lot of online seller are striving harder to render a smooth brick and mortar kind of experience to the users on their online store. 

According to a survey by Comscore, 41% of European shoppers buy with zeal  if the stores if  sellers have an online store , however a considerable 52% prefer the option of online purchasing and take up things in a physical store. This is the reason why many online companies have gone many of the companies are opting to open brick and mortar stores. 


# Potent Asian Market

The three most potent shopping marketplaces in Asia are China, India and Japan. Though it can be seen that a Chinese purchaser might not be get online so as to make shop frequently, but as per  e-Marketer, more than 35% of the population atleast purchases once every year. Which is a considerable 407.6 million shoppers that is double than that of United states. 

Wherein when it comes to the Indian market we can see a tectonic shift in the way we use to purchase goods online. The survey said that around 9 percent of the population purchases goods online which means that 82.3 million people purchase goods online. Now among them around 40% of the online buyers make use of their mobile devices. This is similar to the case of China where people prefer buying products using their mobile devices. 

It has been speculated that at the culmination of year 2016 smartphone penetration in Japan, will reach 69% . But the thing which is to be noted that the Japanese  smartphone owners do not focus on the retail part. As per Life-media Research around 90% Japanese shopper prefer to shop using their Personal Computers , and only 23% said that they prefer their smartphones.

Author Bio

Kaira Clark is a Proficient Web developer at Xicom Technologies Ltd. In this avant grade IT space you need to a Hire Adroit PHP Developer that is highly skilled, but also stays abreast to the latest advancements. Along with development Kaira likes sharing her web experience via blogging and reading what others have to share.





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