Some famous article aggregators

  sonic0002        2013-08-12 03:34:37       4,090        0         

Blogs are still very important places for people sharing their thoughts about something although some social media platforms have replaced some of these capabilities. As a blog writer, how can you let others know what you are thinking about? Besides your friends and social media platforms, there are some article aggregators around us which can help us promote our articles. Other than some aggregators like Google News, readers can submit articles to these sites themselves What are some famous article aggregators?


You can submit different categories of news or articles to Reddit. It also has a powerful filter system. For novice Redditers, it's a bit difficult to get familiar with this platform. Often you will not be able to see your articles shown on the new tab and it's not easy to get your articles on the top list as your article will have a relative short life cycle.


Digg is also a popular article aggregator, users can submit different types of articles on Digg as well. But it's very difficult to understand its promoting mechanism since its last redesign. When submitting a story, there seems no place to find where the new story is. It's extremely not user friendly.

Hacker News

Hacker News focus on news or articles on technology. But they are more favoring breaking news, and it also has relative convincing credit system. If your article is good enough and you can get more than 3 upvotes before it goes out of the top 30 newest stories, your article will be promoted as the top story with a big chance.


DZone is a technical article aggregator, but unlike Hacker News, it favors technical articles more than technical news. The articles submitted to DZone have a larger chance being promoted to popular stories. This may be because DZone has a relative smaller group of readers, so every article has a larger chance to survive. In addition, the voting system is not so sophisticated, it's easy to fool the voting system.


It is a site for nerds. Summaries of stories and links to news articles are submitted by Slashdot's own readers, and each story becomes the topic of a threaded discussion among users. Discussion is moderated by a user-based moderation system. 


The most special part about Stumbleupon is that it has a Stumble button, it will randomly show your one story every time you click on it. Other than this, it has no big difference from Digg.





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