12 useful Chrome commands

  sonic0002        2013-01-25 04:38:03       12,260        0         

Many useful features of Chrome don't show up on its menus. You can access them through the chrome:// command. In this article we will introduce 12 useful chrome:// commands.

1. chrome://flags

It can be used to turn on or turn off some chrome features.

2. chrome://dns

This command will show the domain name list caught by the browser.

3. chrome://downloads

You can access this through chrome menu as well. The shortcut is Ctrl+J

4. chrome://extensions

This command equals to Menu->Tools->Extensions

5. chrome://bookmarks

This equals to Menu->Bookmarks->Bookmark manager. The shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+O

6. chrome://history

This one equals to Menu->History. the shortcut is Ctrl+H.

7. chrome://memory

This command will redirect to “chrome://memory-redirect/”. It will show the browser memory usage status. and other browsers running on the system including Firefox. It will also show the browser processes.

8. chrome://net-internals

This command will show the network information and the network events of the browser.You can export data and the DNS cache.

One important function is testing, If you cannot access some URL, you can open “chrome://net-internals” -> Click "Tests" tab->Enter the URL to test. Chrome will report the error details.

9. chrome://quota-internals

This command will display the disk space usage status of the browser.

10. chrome://sessions

This command will show all session information.

11.  chrome://settings

You can access it using Menu->Options as well. It can access all the settings of the browser.

12. chrome://sync-internals

This one will show the sync status of Chrome.


Finally, you can use chrome://about/ to access all chrome:// commands.

Note : You can access above commands using about:xxx as well, it will be redirected to chrome:// automatically. For example:


Source : http://blog.webshuo.com/2013/01/18/12-%E5%BE%88%E6%9C%89%E7%94%A8%E7%9A%84-chrome-%E6%B5%8F%E8%A7%88%E5%99%A8%E5%91%BD%E4%BB%A4/





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