Early homepages of some famous websites

  sonic0002        2015-07-23 11:34:18       12,424        0         

Are you curious about what are their early homepages like for some famous IT companies? Let's take a look at them now.

1. Google

This page was relative concise at that time. The current Google homepage is more concise.

2. Facebook

It went online on 4th Feb, 2004. This was its homepage in 2004

3. YouTube

It went online on 15th Feb, 2005. Until 22nd April, the first video clip was uploaded.

4. Wikipedia

It emphasizes on free content and collaborative editing. It also supports many languages.

5. Yahoo

It was created in January 1994.

6. Twitter

It was called twttr at first.


7. Blogger

It's acquired by Google and now becomes a service of Google.

8. Apple

9. Amazon

10. MSN

11. MySpace

12. NYTimes

 After seeing above images, I have only one thought : time can change everything!





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