Guest Post from a CodeBoy: The Five Stages of Debugging

Being confronted with a serious and difficult-to-diagnose bug can be one of the most traumatic and stressful experiences of a professional programmer's career. Those who have been through such an ordeal rate the stress as on a par with that accompanying serious injury, divorce, or the death of a family member.Researchers who have studied the psychology of computer programming have lately constructed a framework to understand the stages through which the programmer's mind progresses as she/he works through the difficult process of resolving a bug. These stages are similar in concept to the well...

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  Install LAMP in two easy steps

You might have seen my earlier post related to installing PHP, Apache and MySQL on UBUNTU 11.10. That process contains number of steps and some lengthy commands which we can not remember easily.After good comments from Gaurav and Coward I have managed to get that lengthy process in just 2 steps. So I thought its great to share with all readers to they can get benefit as well.Before starting make sure that you have root user’s access to perform the sudo action. So now let...


  How I Program Stuff

I love programming. I can truly say that of all the things I enjoy, I enjoy programming the most. There's nothing quite like the feeling you get when you create something. Writing code is a lot like building your own little universe.When you build stuff, you're in complete control, and, no matter how hard you fight it, your code directly reflects yourself. If you write sloppy code, I can almost guarantee you'll be a sloppy person. If you haphazardly throw code around with any care or passion, it's likely you treat yourself the same way.I tend to think of myself as a passionate programmer ...