Find where the start up page is set in Firefox
Recently I encountered a weird behavior where a strange webpage showing up every time when I launched my Firefox.The first thought came into my mind is that my homepage of Firefox had been tampered. It might be changed because some software changed my browser settings to promote something.So the next immediate thing I went to check was to see my Firefox browser settings.To my surprise, the homepage setting was not touched. It would still open the Momentum screen which would display some beautiful pictures of nature randomly. I tried to reset them to default but it still had the same issue.Afte...
Load html content properly in iframe
When loading content in an ifrasme, there are normally two ways: loading with src or creating iframe dynamically and set content dynamically. In this post, we will talk about how to properly load content in a dynamically created iframe element, especially on how to fix some issue we faced while in Firefox.To create an iframe dynamically, we would normally use JavaScript and with below piece of cod:let iframe = document.createElement("ifrasme");iframe.innerHTML = "this is some text";document.getElementById("content_zone").appendChild(iframe);Once this is ran, an iframe element with html will be...
Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android
Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone. Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples, that might mean opting for a more privacy-focused browser, a faster browser, or a browser that allow...
Mozilla Firefox Browser Tips & Tricks You Didn't Know About
Chrome might be all the rage right now, but Mozilla’s Firefox browser has always held its own in the browser wars. This open-source browser has its core set of dedicated fans and is popular under a broad user base across the world. With Firefox’s faster web page download speeds and strong privacy policies, it’s not hard to imagine why. But there are some other brilliant features that many might have missed.Take a look at these seven Firefox tricks that many users don’t know about. Not only will they provide a better browsing experience, but they’ll add some extra ...
Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart
If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below:chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] });});You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a context menu item with id your_id which applies to all elements on the page. After installing the extension, you wou...
An ex-Mozilla employee's view about Chrome
Chrome now becomes the most popular web browser on the planet because it provides excellent user experience. As a general user, we think it's fast and easy to use. How about those who develop web browsers? How do they think about Chrome? Abhinav Sharma ,an ex-Mozilla employee and now Facebook employee, shared his opinion about Chrome.Mozilla fights an uphill battle given Google's advertising budget and capacity to have some incredibly good engineers and designers work on Chrome. They also came along later when open source was a lot more prevalent and could get off the ground quicker using WebK...
Check out YouTube new design
Recently, YouTube has developed its new design, but is is still not officially released. But you can check out the new design now by following the steps below:1. Open on your Chrome or Firefoc2. Press Ctrl + Shift and J in Chrome to open the Developer Tools and Press Ctrl+Shift and K in Firefox3. On the bottom part of the development tool, you can type some commands there. Copy the following code and paste on the console window on the bottomdocument.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU";4. Done, now refresh the YouTube page then you will be able to vi...