How IoT is Challenging The World of "Smart" Cars

Smart cars have long been the subject of optimism in the auto industry, with their suites of advanced driver assistance and road safety features. Handy as they are, however, their convenient systems come with a substantially higher price tag. For now, however, many car owners are opting into a cheaper, more modular way to enhance their driving experience: a network of IoT devices. This makes it so that even pre-loved cars can enjoy the same features as smart cars. While IoT remains small at the moment, enough devices can create quite a functional imitation of smart car tech suites,for a fracti...

3,959 0       HARDWARE IOT CAR

  SD Cards: Why Order Them In A Bulk?

Backing up important data is an undeniable aspect of the technologically advanced modern world. Be it photographs, videos, movies or other significant data, they all need to be stored properly for future use. SD card or Secure Digital card is one such device that will help store all the relevant materials securely. As the name suggests, it secures all digital data. To understand why we should order bulk SD cards, we need to know why they are so beneficial. They are extremely compact, easy to carry and require very little power to operate. They allow for immediate access to the stored...

1,003 0       HARDWARE SDCARD

  Things to consider when purchasing a standby emergency generator

Generators come in many forms these days and portable generators, in particular, are proving to be very popular. However, there is still a strong pull for the more conventional home standby generator, after all, no other kind of generator can really offer the same power, can it?But what do you need to consider when buying a home standby generator? Reading home standby generator reviews is always a good first step to help educate yourself about standby emergency generators but I can go a little further.Below I’ve compiled a list of all the things you need to consider when buying a home st...


  Additional steps need to implement to setup shadow-boxV2 OPTEE on Raspberry PI

We followed the Shadow-box v2 project from the to set up the trustZone on Raspberry PI modeB to protect the Linux Kernel. But got a problem when doing the step: [3.6.5. Activate Shadow-Box for ARM and Start Secure Pi!] to create the hash for the memory area. The result is not shown.If you met the same problem, this is what I did to fix the problem on my PI:1.1  When we do the step [3.5.1. Copy OP-TEE OS with Shadow-Box for ARM and New Linux Kernel to Raspbian OS], make sure the ‘image’ was copied in the boot1 and boot fo...