Why Aren't Other SOPA Supporters Being Punished Like GoDaddy?

Even though it recanted (somewhat unconvincingly) its support of the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), domain registrar GoDaddy continues to lose thousands of domains as an online campaign to punish GoDaddy is proving highly effective.The boycott campaign began on reddit on December 22. A day later GoDaddy announced its withdrawal of support for the House legislation it actually helped craft.And still GoDaddy has lost more than 70,000 domains in less than a week, with the prospect of more if the reddit-inspired day of boycott set for December 29 goes off as planned.GoDaddy goes from...


  How IoT is Challenging The World of "Smart" Cars

Smart cars have long been the subject of optimism in the auto industry, with their suites of advanced driver assistance and road safety features. Handy as they are, however, their convenient systems come with a substantially higher price tag. For now, however, many car owners are opting into a cheaper, more modular way to enhance their driving experience: a network of IoT devices. This makes it so that even pre-loved cars can enjoy the same features as smart cars. While IoT remains small at the moment, enough devices can create quite a functional imitation of smart car tech suites,for a fracti...

3,696 0       CAR IOT HARDWARE

  10 Technological Trends that are Affecting Life of Teachers

Technology has reached the level where people think that they do not need anybody to teach them new things. When you do not know about anything, you simply Google it and get the answer. All this is good but in actual it is affecting the life of our teachers. So, whatever conclusions these folks have who are arriving today will always influence everyone else who is working in childhood education through their high school.Let us see how they are affecting the life of the teachers:      iPad Is Not the First Tool To Revolutionize The World Of Education According to a...

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  My secret Hobby: Applying for jobs

I have a probably unusual habit: I'm applying for jobs as programmer at least once a year. It 's not that I don't have a job, or that I don't like what I do, but since I am self employed and running my own company I have the feeling that I am coming out of touch of what the current job market is like, and so I started to apply for jobs at different companies once in a while. Just to keep in mind how this is like and for the fun of it.I think this is also a good training should I need to be employed again in the near future: As 'CEO' of your own company, you tend to become a bit arrogant and te...


  Waking up early, 10 tips that work

In this blog post I am going to cover a topic that I have been occupied with for several weeks now: Becoming an early riser.Getting up early can be a great way to help you establish a daily routine which is the first step to becoming more productive.Here I present you 10 tips that helped me in becoming an early riser.1. Get upThe most important step is to get up. Actually not just get up, literally try to jump out of bed. After your alarm rings get up instantly, go to another room and turn on the lights.Getting out of bed quickly rips you out of the cozy zone and you’re less likely to f...

3,643 0       REST BODY HEALTH

  China to expand 4G network across the country

According to Xinhua news, China Mobile, the country's largest telecommunication company is expanding its commercial trials of 4G network across the country including Tibet.On Tuesday, the Tibet branch of China Mobile held a ceremony to mark the beginning of its 4G network trial in Tibet. This plan includes building new 4G base stations there and also provide support for connecting to the 4G network.In this new plan, China Mobile's high speed network services will soon benefit people living in the remote places. China's 4G network is also known as TD-LTE network is a home growing technology whi...

3,633 0       4G CHINA MOBILE TIBET

  Round Peg, Square Hole: How to Know If a Developer is a Good Fit for Your Team

Over the last few months, we have been recruiting developers, and we’ve started to get a sense for the type of developer who is a good fit for our team.  These attributes probably apply for developers at most web startups, so I wanted to share them with you.Before I get into it, the most important thing to know is that technical skill is a threshold requirement.  The assumption is that any person who is a fit for our team will have the relevant technical experience to do the job.Beyond that, here’s what we look for in someone as a good fit…PassionOne of our g...


  Coding skill and the decline of stagnation

I am a decent programmer. I know a decent amount of computer science theory, I can type correct code fairly easy. I don’t let my classes expand too much. But I still struggle some with math, and I have a tendency to have too many cross-dependencies in my code.I used to think I was an awesome programmer. One of the best. After I made a game in the first programming lesson in school, I got told to don’t bother showing up for the rest. I was the one who taught all my friends what big O notation is and how it’s useful, or why hashmaps can have an effective constant speed if us...