SEARCH KEYWORD -- whiteboard test

  Permutation algorithm with JavaScript

In secondary school, we have learned permutation. Basically, for n numbers, the number of permutations for these n numbers can be calculated to n! which is called 'n factorial'. But to display all the permutations on the screen, we need to use a recursive function. The problem is how to write this function.  Next I write a program to display the permutations for n numbers with JavaScript. First, we need to understand that from these n numbers, we can first take any one number from it, and t...

   JavaScript,Permutation,Algorithm,Impleme     2011-09-21 12:02:35

  Create Packed Indexes with MySQL

I am pretty much sure that you are aware of indexes which we are creating on database fields. Indexes are very useful to make your query search faster and improve the site performance. But the fact is that Indexes which we are creating on database tables also require some additional space on your hard disk and if you have not properly created these indexes than some t...

   MySQL,Compressed index,PACK_KEYS     2012-04-24 07:42:18

  Round Peg, Square Hole: How to Know If a Developer is a Good Fit for Your Team

Over the last few months, we have been recruiting developers, and we’ve started to get a sense for the type of developer who is a good fit for our team.  These attributes probably apply for developers at most web startups, so I wanted to share them with you. Before I get into it, the most important thing to know is that technical skill is a threshold requirement.  The assumption is that any person who is a fit for our team will have the relevant technical experience t...

   Recruitment,Gire ,Employee,Skill     2011-07-09 09:50:54

  Pair Programming: The disadvantages of 100% pairing

I’ve written a lot of blog posts in the past about pair programming and the advantages that I’ve seen from using this technique but lately I find myself increasingly frustrated at the need to pair 100% of the time which happens on most teams I work on. From my experience it’s certainly useful as a coaching tool, as I’ve mentioned before I think it’s a very useful for increasing the amount of collaboration between team members and an excellent way for ensuring ...

   Software development,Paring,Disadvantage     2012-01-11 12:08:47

  Build a Kubectl Plugin from Scratch

by author The command-line tool kubectl is indispensable when using Kubernetes. You need it to query related Pod and Service information both in developing or performing some maintenance operations, such as events, scale, rolling update, etc. However, when using kubectl, there are many inconveniences. Though Kubernetes is officially maintaining kubectl¹, and you can submit the problems, improvement, and even PR in its Github Issues, you still have to wait long before its release. The m...

   KUBENETES,KUBECTL,PLUGIN,GOLANG     2020-12-02 03:43:16

  CSS box-shadow Can Slow Down Scrolling

Working on one of the Chromebooks Google lets you borrow on Virgin America flights, I noticed scrolling down the page on my dashboard was much slower than on my normal laptop. I chalked it up to weak Chromebook hardware, but other sites were scrolling just fine. box-shadow had caused slow scrolling on our search results page before, so I did some investigation.I used Chrome's Timeline tab to see the duration of paint events on the page. Before each test I forced a garbage collection a...

   CSS,box-shadow,performance,Timeline,Chromebook     2011-11-13 08:13:48

  JavaScript delete specific item from array

Deleting an item from an array is easy using JavaScript’s built-in method splice(). However, if you are somewhat new to scripting, simply knowing about splice does not help you remove a certain item from an array. This article will solidly state the solution to this dilemma.If you want to remove a specific item from your array, you will simply use a basic loop and a conditional check with the splice()method.Here is a breakdown of what we will do in 3 easy steps, so tha...

   JavaScript,Array,Remove item,Splice,Dele     2011-09-16 16:38:52

  Writing forward-compatible websites

This is a list of best practices for creating websites that do not break when browsers are updated. It's not always possible to follow all of these, but following as many of them as possible will help future-proof your website. This is especially important for intranet applications and other non-public websites where problems are likely to not be noticed during testing by browser vendors.JavaScriptPrefix all global variable access in onfoo attributes with “window.”When an e...

   Web design,Forward compatible,CSS,JavaScript,window     2011-11-23 08:07:35

  var in JavaScript

Geoff published an article sometime ago--"How one missing var ruined our launch". This article described one case where MelonCard uses Node.js as their backend system, suddenly there was a small registration peak period--50-100 people registered concurrently, then the entire website stopped responding and many other strange problems showed up. When they were investigating the source of the problem, they found one missing var in the following‘/apps/:user_id/status’, fun...

   JavaScript,Scope,variable     2012-05-26 12:35:36

  Applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to Solve Cybersecurity Questions

In this document, we will introduce some test, experiment and analysis conclusion about applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve cybersecurity questions. Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used in education and research for tasks such as analyzing program code error logs, help summarize papers and improving reports. In this project, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs in solving cybersecurity-related questions, such as Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, ...

       2024-09-08 04:05:07