SEARCH KEYWORD -- shortest command

  Redis Cluster and Common Partition Techniques in Distributed Cache

In this post, I will discuss a few common partition techniques in distributed cache. Especially, I will elaborate on my understanding on the use of Redis Cluster. Please understand that at the time of writing, the latest version of Redis is 4.0.10. Many articles on the same topic have a different idea from this post. This is mainly because, those articles are probably outdated. In particular, they may refer to the Redis Cluster implementation in Redis 3. Redis Cluster has been improved...


  Understanding database, instance and schema in Oracle database

Oracle database is the most popular database system among enterprises. To start working on Oracle database, some concepts must be understood first. They include database, instance, schema and user etc. And among these concepts, some have different meanings from those in other database systems such as MS SQL, MySQL, DB2. On the web, there are already some good posts which explain different concepts such as Ask Tom's database vs instances, Difference between database vs user vs schema. In this pos...


  Learning Python as your first programming language

Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C. Python now becomes more and more popular and is now being used the first teaching language in some universities. Why would you like to learn Python as your first programming language? Below are the reasons. Python is a high-level language with dynami...

   Python,Advantage     2014-04-07 05:36:04

  Build Hadoop environment in Linux

Hadoop standalone installation: 1. Install JDK Install JDK with below command: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Configure Java environment, open /etc/profile, add below contents: export JAVA_HOME = (Java installation directory) export CLASSPATH =".:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$CLASSPATH" export PATH = "$JAVA_HOME/:PATH" Verify installation of Java Type java --version, if it outputs Java version information, then Java is successfully installed. 2. Install SSH Install SSH with below command: sudo ...

   Hadoop.Linux,Configuration     2013-07-31 23:22:27

  10 tools to make your shell script more powerful

Many people mistakenly think that shell scripts can only be run in command line. In fact shell can also call some GUI components such as menus,alert dialogs, progress bar etc. You can control the final output, cursor position and various output effects. Here we introduce some tools which can help you create powerful, interactive and user friendly Unix/Linux shell scripts. 1. notify-send This command can let you inform the process to send a desktop notification to users. This can be used to send ...

   shell,GUI,zenity     2013-04-05 08:50:41

   How to Calculate Distance in Asp.Net MVC with Google Maps

Internet users are vastly dependent on both Google and Bing mapping tools. The API available for developers provides them an ability to add value to the solutions developed by them.There is no such requirement of using everything. There are times when only a snippet can make a big difference to the app users. In this article, development experts will explain how to use Google Maps APIs and help office staff to calculate distance. When a team is travelling for the job, they either ride on...

   ASP.NET MVC     2017-03-10 06:29:23

  A Brief Guide to Voice Navigation and the Future of UX Design

Voice devices are now everywhere, whether you like them or not. Amazon's Alexa, Google's Assistant, and Apple's Siri have proved that voice interactions are not from science fiction films but part of our new reality. Just as touch screens, voice interaction with devices will completely revolutionize how we interact with our computers, smartphones, and watches (and even cars and houses) in the coming years. But you might ask yourself, why is it evolving at such a fast speed? Well, there are many ...

   UX DESIGN     2021-11-25 02:24:55

  Turn on SecurityManager in Java

SecurityManager in Java is to check whether the application codes can access some restricted resource such as file, socket etc. This can be used in applications which have high security requirements. With this feature turned on, our system resources can be secured with only permitted operations. When JVM starts, it will first check whether the SecurityManager is on by checking the system property, if it's on, then an instance of SecurityManager will be created and it can be...

   SecurityManager,enable,program     2013-12-16 05:03:53

  Implement struct no copy in GoLang

There is some case where some of the struct in GoLang which is not meant to be copied. For example, sometimes a global configuration which should have only one version passed around the whole application and should not be copied and modified. In GoLang, there is no intuitive solution on preventing copying of struct. But there is still some way which can be leveraged to help prevent this while developing the code. The trick is to define some struct implementing sync.Locker interface and has this ...

   GO VET,NOCOPY,NO COPY     2020-09-04 22:24:58

  Fix 'this authentication plugin is not supported' issue while using Go to connect MySQL 8

MySQL 8 has changed its default authentication plugin from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password to improve its security. However many third party libraries seem act slowly to catch up with this change. This causes some compatible issues with their connection to MySQL. One of the issues is seen in Go libraries while it's trying to connect to MySQL 8. The specific error has been observed is "this authentication plugin is not supported". The root cause of this issue is that the go-sq...

   MYSQL,GO,MYSQL 8,AUTHENTICATION PLUGIN     2018-07-11 08:55:02