SEARCH KEYWORD -- shortest command

  Fix issue "cannot load such file -- bcrypt_ext (LoadError)"

bcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project for hashing passwords. The bcrypt Ruby gem provides a simple wrapper for safely handling passwords. However, sometimes the rails application would fail to start after installing the bcrypt gem on Windows. The error would look similar to below. The issue is that it fails to load the bcrypt_ext which is the native built extension, the reason may be the library is wrongly built. To fix this issue, below steps can...


  Funny Linux commands

1. sl You will see a train moving from the right to left on the screen. Install : $ sudo apt-get install sl Run : $ sl It has options like -aiFe: -a An accident seems to happen. You'll feel pity for people who cry for help.-l shows little one.-F It flies.-e Allow interrupt by Ctrl+C. We can also make fun of other people by setting an alias like below: $alias ls=sl When the user types ls, he will see the train instead of the file list. 2. fortune Output one statement, it can be a joke, or famous...

   Linux,funny command,figlet,sl     2013-06-08 21:30:26

  What is Hystrix and How does Hystrix work

Background In distributed systems, there is one effect where the unavailability of one service or some services will lead to the service unavailability of the whole system, this is called service avalanche effect. A common way to prevent service avalanche is do manual service fallback, in fact Hystrix also provides another option beside this. Definition of Service Avalanche Effect Service avalanche effect is a kind of effect where the service provider fails to provide service which causes t...


  Use DTrace to diagnose gdb issues

A few days ago, I installed the newest 64-bit gdb program (version 7.7.1) on Solaris 10 (X86_64 platform) to debug programs. After playing with the gdb a day, I found 2 issues about gdb:(1) The "set follow-fork-mode child" command doesn't take effect. By default, after the parent process forks the child process, the gdb will track the parent process, so this command can make gdb begin to follow the child process. But this command works OK on Linux.(2) The gdb can't parse the 32-bit application c...

   DTrace, debug, gdb, UNIX     2014-06-28 05:11:20

  Big file transfer in Linux

It's very common that we need to transfer files between two different hosts such as backups. It is also an very simple task, we can use scp or rsync to complete the task well. But what if the file is very big, it may take some time to transfer it. How can we transfer a big file with high speed? Here we propose one solution. Copy file If we copy one uncompressed file, then we should follow below steps: Compress data Send it to another host Uncompress the data Verify the data integrity This will...

   Linux, SCP,ZIP     2013-01-10 05:55:50

  Run executable jar on double click on Windows

Normally after installing Java, there will be an association between .jar and the javaw.exe. This enables the executable jar to be opened on double click. You can check the association by going to Control Panel -> Programs -> Default Programs -> Associate a file type or protocol with a program. The default program of a file type can be changed in this dialog. However sometimes there are cases where the file association for .jar may be altered after a third party application instal...

   JAVA,WINDOWS,JAR,EXECUTABLE JAR     2016-05-12 03:05:04

  Configure static IP for Linux

When a Linux server is running, it has to have an IP so that other machines can talk to it. It is often desired that the server would own a static IP so that every time other machines want to connect to it, the same IP address would be used. This is extremely useful when there are virtual machines installed on a host machine where the virtual machine would start and stop now and then.  To configure static IP address for a Linux server, the /etc/network/interfaces needs to be updated. Assumi...

   LINUX,NETWORK,STATIC IP,DNS     2017-07-08 08:39:58

  GoLang to build smaller executable file

Normally the executable file built with go is a bit large, it is always desired that a smaller executable file should be generated though. In this post, a couple of ways to reduce the size of the executable will be introduced. The end effect is that the executable file size would be much less than the normal generated one. The file which is built normally has below size. Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 12/14...

   GOLANG,EXECUTABLE     2019-12-13 20:10:45

  WireGuard VPN: Setup WG_VPN client App on Android phone and connect to local WG_VPN server on VM

We will show the detail steps about how to setup the WireGuard VPN client on an Android phone/pad and configure the VPN client to connect a WG_VPN server in local network. The setup process contents three main steps: Install WireGuard and create a key-pair in WireGuard client. Add the Android client peer information in the WireGuard server’s config file. Config the Android WireGuard client to connect to the server. The test environment network configuration:  Step 1. Install Wire...

   WIREGUARD,VPN,TUTORIAL     2020-10-24 08:46:42

  Write HTML easily with Emmet and Haml

Writing HTML codes is very boring and tedious as it has many tags and it's static. One solution is to use template, filling content based on other's skeleton. One another solution is high speed writing. We can write HTML codes with Emmet and Haml. These two ways have similar functions but with different characteristics. Haml is based on Ruby, so when working on Ruby/Rails projects, we recommend to use Haml, otherwise we recommend to use Emmet. 1. Emmet Emmet is a editor plugin, the official webs...

   HTML,Emmet,Haml     2013-06-11 19:46:02