The future smells like JavaScript

Of course I am only repeating what others are preaching about the recent rise of JavaScript. But I think the movement is significant and can't be overstated. And recent developments are really even making it more and more interesting. Nobody can deny hat JavaScript is the de facto programming language of Html5. Every other language trying to bolt itself onto Html5 looks like pure friction so far. And Html5 is looking upon a prospering future. Today we are used to some established JavaScri...

   JavaScript,Future,Node.js,Client-side     2012-02-03 08:06:43

  SameSite attribute in cookie

Starting from Chrome 51, a new attribute SameSite has been introduced for browser cookie. This attribute is to prevent CSRF attack. Cookie is normally used to store data exchanged between client and server. It frequently stores user login information. If a malicious website can forge a HTTP request with the valid third party website cookie, it may be called a CSRF attack. For example, if a user logins to a bank website, the bank server responds a cookie: Set-Cookie:id=a3fWa; L...


  Could coding be the next mass profession?

Like farming was in the 17th century, factory work during the industrial revolution, construction during the Great Depression, and manufacturing after World War II. Better, because writing code is a creative act which can be done with or without a traditional (antiquated?) office-based job, and can create enormous personal and economic value. Most young people start in jobs that don’t have much of a future. Most don’t get higher education – only a third get a...

   Coder,Learning,Training,Profession     2012-01-05 08:02:50

  Java Doesn't Need to Be So Bad

I do a lot of Java coding and I enjoy it. I admit that there is a lot of typing, often a lot of boilerplate and getting even simple tasks done can involve too much work. Most of the tools that try to fix these problems trade one moment saved for another lost. Maven's XML based configuration file is a good example: Thank you for making my project easier to manage and I won't forget that you made me edit XML to do so. These are the things that you live with, these are the things you trade for ...

   Java,Coding,Enterprise application,Tedious     2011-12-09 07:50:20

  Test-Driven Development? Give me a break...

Update: At the bottom of this post, I've linked to two large and quite different discussions of this post, both of which are worth reading... Update 2: If the contents of this post make you angry, okay. It was written somewhat brashly. But, if the title alone makes you angry, and you decide this is an article about "Why Testing Code Sucks" without having read it, you've missed the point. Or I explained it badly :-)Some things programmers say can be massive red flags. When I h...

   Test driven,Application design,tool     2011-10-17 10:19:16

  Preparing for the real costs of cloud computing

Computerworld - At a cloud computing conference in New York in June, a number of speakers pointed out that the cloud is moving past the hype stage and is beginning to deliver tangible benefits to organizations. These improvements include increased flexibility and agility. But moving to the cloud can also mean added costs, some of which might be unexpected, according to IT executives whose organizations have implemented cloud services or are considering them. While these types of costs ...

   Cloud computing,Cost,Chanllenges,Platfor     2011-08-23 07:48:24

  7 big mistakes that make your layout a disaster

Even though the web design field has become a real industry, building a website is part art, part science. The design of a website may attract people but it may also make them run away, it depends on the work of the web designer. The experience, the talent and the capacity of endeavor are the greatest tools of a web designer, a good layout is based on all of these and, besides that, it is a very time consuming activity.Making a good layout is difficult and judging its value is subjective, a desi...

   Web design,Mistakes,Content,White space     2011-11-24 03:36:23

  How to check which Ohai plugin hangs in chef client run

Ohai plugins are very important components in chef client which aims to provide resource management automation on a server. The data discovered by Ohai plugins are describing the current state of the server and they will be used to maintain the server in a desired state. Each Ohai plugin discovers a specific pierce of information about the server such as cpu, memory, middleware etc. However, there are rare occasions(well I am a bit optimistic here) someone may find that the chef client...

   HOW TO,CHEF-CLIENT,OHAI,UPTIME,HANG     2017-12-24 22:09:59

  What Is The Best SaaS CRM In 2024?

SaaS CRM entails that the CRM software is hosted and accessed through the internet. Definitely, this cloud-based approach means that both large and small companies alike can access higher CRM functionalities without the cost liability that comes with the in-house servers and their maintenance. Why CRM is Important for SaaS Businesses CRM systems are of special significance for SaaS companies; they help manage customer interactions, track sales, and improve marketing efforts while assured competi...

   CRM,SAAS     2024-05-21 04:37:21

  Why do so many technical recruiters suck?

It’s Tuesday, I get a call from an unknown number.  There is a little hesitation, but I finally pick it up.  My number is listed on my business card and I feel like I should get these calls unless I am in a meeting.- Hi, is this Mike?- Yes, speaking….- Hi Mike!  How are you today?- Fine…- I am calling from XYZ Co, and we deal with recruiting and staff augmentation.  I was wondering if you are looking for software developers.We are in San Francisco and itââ...

   Recruitment,HR,Sucks,Tech recruiter     2011-11-13 08:22:02