SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  10 Easy Things to Do to Enhance Your Online Security Today

If you think you don’t need to take extra steps to increase your cyber security, you are wrong. Statistics on cybercrime are shocking and clearly prove that you can’t have ‘too much security’ while using the Internet today. For example, did you know that by 2023 cybercriminals will have stolen over 33 billion private records or that 15 million Americans became victims of digital identity theft in 2017 (Norton)? That’s not even mentioning millions of monetary losses ...

   DATA SECURITY,SECUIRITY     2019-01-21 07:01:37

  Five-minute Multimethods in Python

So what are multimethods? I'll give you my own definition, as I've come to understand them: a function that has multiple versions, distinguished by the type of the arguments. (Some people go beyond this and also allow versions distinguished by the value of the arguments; I'm not addressing this here.) As a very simple example, let's suppose we have a function that we want to define for two ints, two floats, or two strings. Of course, we could define it as follows: def foo(a, b): if...

   Python,Multimethod,Argument list,Version,Overloadding     2011-12-07 08:41:03

  Linus Torvalds’s Lessons on Software Development Management

If anyone knows the joys and sorrows of managing software development projects, it would be Linus Torvalds, creator of the world's most popular open-source software program: the Linux operating system. For more than 20 years, Torvalds has been directing thousands of developers to improve the open source OS. He and I sat down to talk about effective techniques in running large-scale distributed programming teams – and the things that don’t work, too.Torvalds says there are...

   Linux,Software development,Linus Tonalds     2011-09-28 09:16:02

  The several flavors of random in Java

Random number generation is one of most basic features in any programming language. The basic utilization is always the same: generate a random number between 0 and 1. With such a simple resource at hand we sometimes overlook some interesting features. What do we learn from the books? The most obvious and maybe intuitive way to generate random numbers in Java is simply calling: java.lang.Math.random() Random generation is in the Math utility class with abs, pow, floor...

   Java,Random,Thread,Math,Type     2012-03-22 14:17:44

  Content based HTTP Cache

Browsers may cache the webpages we visited, when user types a URL on the address bar, the browser may cache the webpage returned from server while displaying it. If there is no update on the webpage, then next time when the browser requests the same page, it will not download the page again, instead it will load the cached page. If the website explicitly specify that the page is updated, then the browser will download the page again from the server. What's HTTP Cache? You may be familiar with th...

   HTTP Cache,Web crawler     2013-05-24 05:12:59

  Functional Programming in C++

Probably everyone reading this has heard “functional programming” put forth as something that is supposed to bring benefits to software development, or even heard it touted as a silver bullet.  However, a trip to Wikipedia for some more information can be initially off-putting, with early references to lambda calculus and formal systems.  It isn’t immediately clear what that has to do with writing better software. My pragmatic summary:  A large fraction of th...

   C++,Functional programming     2012-04-28 06:16:37

  Top Ten Tips for Correct C++ Coding

Brian Overland, long-time Microsoft veteran and author of C++ Without Fear: A Beginner's Guide That Makes You Feel Smart, 2nd Edition, shares 10 of his most hard-earned, time-saving insights from decades of writing and debugging C++ code.My first introduction to the C family of languages was decades ago (yes, I know this dates me horribly). Later I learned C++. I wish someone back then had steered me around the most obvious potholes; it might have saved me hundreds of frustrating hours.I ca...

   C++,Tips,Top,Ten,Magic number,Integer di     2011-09-03 10:58:35

  How to Create Custom Textures using Filters & Layers?

Textures are an important and integral part of the design world. You would find textures in every nook and corner of your life, in every space across your home. For a long time people have looked at Photoshop as a tool to manipulate photos and make them look the way you want it to appear. But, that’s not all to Photoshop. You can create interesting textures, and create amazing design works using Photoshop too. All you need is a design hand, and some basic understanding of how to use it. He...

   Photoshop     2014-08-01 05:46:07

  How to upload file to FTP server using C# Asp.Net

This post is about uploading files to FTP server in development. You will learn step-by-step to upload files programmatically to FTP web server. All the examples shared in this post are intended by professionals to make you learn about the subject Here, I will explain you an example of Uploading Files to FTP Server programmatically in C#.Net. Using this approach, the Files will be programmatically uploaded to FTP Web Server. For example, I will create a function in which we will simply p...

   ASP.NET,DEVELOPMENT     2016-06-24 08:45:37

  File System vs Core Data: the image cache test

Code for this project is on GitHub While doing a full re-write of Droplr's iOS app for the 2.0 launch, I couldn't find any good file/image caches out there had a particular feature I really wanted: extending item expiration whenever it's touched. I set out to write my own — which wasn't that much of a challenge — but somewhere along the process I had this crazy idea that perhaps (SQLite-backed) Core Data would be a much better tool for the job: No mismatch between cache index ...

   File system.Image cache,Multimedia     2012-02-01 08:52:02