SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  Dieter Rams' 10 principles of good web design

Dieter Rams is one of the most important designers of the 20th century but his famous 10 principles for good design focused on industrial design. Here Lisbon-based designer Nuno Loureiro applies them to web design “My heart belongs to the details. I actually always found them to be more important than the big picture. Nothing works without details. They are everything, the baseline of quality”  â€“ D...

   Web design,Principle,Innovation     2012-02-08 10:29:32

  Are You a Zen Coder or Distraction-Junkie?

What you do when compiling can ruin your life. And not just when compiling, but when waiting for any short computer operation to finish. That time is ridiculously tiny compared to the rest of your workday, yet it can have a huge impact on your productivity and well-being overall. Yes, that’s a big fat claim. And by the way, this article is not just about coders or programmers. It’s about any smart people working with computers. And there will be pictures! Let’s rock and ro...

   Programming.Net,ASP.NET,Platform     2012-02-23 07:14:11

  10 Points about Java heap memory

When I started java programming I didn't know what is java heap or what is heap space in Java, I was even not aware of where does object in Java gets created, it’s when I started doing professional programming I came across error java.lang.outofmemoryerror then I realized What is Heap in Java or Java Heap Space. Its happens with most of programmer because learning language is easy but learning basics is difficult since there is no formal process which can teach you every basics of pro...

   Java,Heap memory,Tips     2012-02-20 05:38:06

  20 bit operations programmers should know

While talking about bit operation, programmers usually think about its efficiency. In embedded programming and system core optimization, appropriate use of bit operations is always a fascinating. When finding a job, it will help you a lot if you use bit operations when writing codes. Mastering simple bit arithmetic skills is necessary. 1. Get maximum int value int getMaxInt(){           return (1 << 31) - 1;//...

   Bit operation, Tips     2012-12-19 12:53:33

  Undoing Changes in Git: Working Directory, Staging Area, and Committed Changes

When working with Git, it's crucial to understand how to undo changes at different stages—whether in the working directory, the staging area, or after committing changes to the local repository. This guide walks you through the essential Git commands to effectively manage and revert changes, ensuring that your version control process is smooth and error-free. Modifying Files in the Working Directory but Not Yet Added to the Staging Area When you make changes to files in your working direct...

   GIT RESET,STAGING AREA,UNDO CHANGE     2024-08-11 08:53:34

  Software Development Company Shares Its Development Process

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Normal 0 false false false false EN-IN X-NONE GU


  How to prevent next HeartBleed bug?

How to ensure the security of open source projects is a concern for many open source users including individual users and companies. But it's not an easy task to ensure the security of open source projects. Because everyone can see the source code, there is much higher possibility that a bug may be found by someone. Once a bug is disclosed, people may exploit it and do evil things, this may cause loss of money either for individuals or companies, some of the bugs may even have big impact to the...

   Open source,HeartBleed,Security     2014-04-24 09:07:05

  CSS3 animation vs CSS3 transition

Both CSS3 animation and CSS3 transition can be used to transition an element in a webpage. They can be used to transition some CSS properties within a given period of time. They have many similarities. They do have a few differences as well. So an user needs to understand the differences between them in order to better use them in different scenarios. First, let's see an example on how to change the width of a div from 100px to 200px within 2 seconds when hovering on it. With CSS3 animation , th...

   CSS3 animation,CSS3 transition, Difference     2015-06-15 08:46:39

  TIOBE : C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language

TIOBE has released the Programming Community Index for April 2012. The highlight of this month is that C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language again. C language is liked by more and more developers of all ages. Due to the growing popularity of the Android platform, Java decline will not be obvious. Previously Java took a very long time to overtake C, now C once again returns to the throne. The battle between these two languages will continue.The top three are respectively, C, Jav...

   C.TIOBE,Java     2012-04-09 07:01:20

  Bill Gates to return as Microsoft's white knight?

Summary: Could and should Bill Gates return to day-to-day responsibilities at Microsoft? Fortune is reporting there’s a rumor to that effect. Fortune reported on December 8 that there’s talk Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates might be mulling a comeback, largely to help boost Microsoft’s stagnant stock price and employee morale. I have to say I am very, very, very skeptical on this one. First, it seems this is a single-sourced report....

   Microsoft,Change,Bill Gates,Return,White Knight     2011-12-09 07:39:39